Light Sensor LDR (SN06)

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Description of Light Sensor (LDR)

Quick Overview

LDRs are incredibly efficient in light-sensitive detection circuits, where they serve the primary role of indicating the presence or absence of light, or of distinguishing between different light intensities. Their high resistance in darkness and substantially lower resistance in the presence of light make them ideal for automatic lighting systems, night lights, and outdoor clocks.

How It Works

An LDR works on the principle of photoconductivity, which is an optical phenomenon. When light particles (photons) strike the high-resistance semiconductor material of the LDR, they provide enough energy for electrons to jump into the conduction band, thereby reducing its resistance. The resistance change in an LDR is nonlinear, meaning it doesn’t change at the same rate across all light intensities.

Technical Specification

  • Resistance in darkness: Very high (up to 1,000,000 ohms)
  • Resistance in light: Can drop to as low as a few hundred ohms depending on light intensity
  • Response time: LDRs typically respond to light changes rather slowly, over seconds or fractions of a second

Key Features

  • High resistance variance between light and dark conditions
  • Easy to use and inexpensive
  • Sensitive to a wide spectrum of light conditions


  • Automatic street lighting
  • Clock radios - to adjust the display brightness according to the ambient light
  • Light intensity meters
  • Security devices - for sensing movements and activating the security system


LDRs stand out as a reliable, cost-effective solution for light sensing applications, offering the flexibility needed for integrating into a wide array of electrical and electronic projects.

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