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✔ Price: 18,500

The IoT-Based Load Monitoring System Using ESP32 is an advanced project designed to monitor and control electrical devices in real-time through an Internet of Things (IoT) framework. Leveraging the capabilities of the ESP32 microcontroller, this system integrates relays, current sensors, and a mobile application to manage and oversee the power consumption of connected devices. The primary goal is to ensure efficient power management, prevent overloading, and provide users with remote control capabilities. The system's design includes real-time monitoring of current loads, automated control features, and user notifications, all managed via an intuitive mobile app interface.

Real-Time Monitoring: To continuously measure and display the current consumption of up to nine connected devices using a current sensor.
Remote Control: To enable users to turn devices on or off remotely through a mobile application, utilizing MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) protocol for seamless IoT communication.
Overload Protection: To set and monitor threshold values for current consumption, providing warnings when thresholds are exceeded and automatically turning off devices to prevent damage or safety hazards.
User Interface: To design a user-friendly mobile application that allows for easy control and monitoring of devices, and provides real-time feedback on current consumption.
Data Display: To present real-time data and status updates on a 20x4 LCD screen integrated with the system.

Key Features
Nine Relay Control: Ability to control up to nine electrical devices independently through relays, each of which can be switched on or off via the mobile app.
Current Sensing and Monitoring: Utilization of a current sensor to measure the power consumption of each device and display this information in real-time.
Threshold Alerts: Configurable current load thresholds that trigger warnings and automatic device shutdowns to prevent overloading.
Mobile App Integration: A custom mobile application developed for both Android and iOS platforms, offering users control and monitoring capabilities via MQTT protocol.
Real-Time LCD Display: A 20x4 LCD screen to provide immediate visual feedback on the status of devices and current consumption.
Automated Safety Mechanism: Automatic disconnection of all devices if the current load exceeds the set threshold for a specified duration.

Application Areas
Home Automation: Enhancing home automation systems by adding load monitoring and control capabilities to household appliances and devices.
Industrial Monitoring: Implementing load monitoring in industrial settings to manage and control machinery, ensuring safe operation and preventing overloads.
Energy Management: Assisting in energy management and efficiency by providing insights into power consumption and enabling remote control of devices.
Smart Buildings: Integrating with smart building systems to manage electrical loads and enhance overall building automation.
Remote Facilities: Monitoring and controlling electrical devices in remote or hard-to-access locations where direct supervision is not feasible.

Detailed Working of IoT-Based Load Monitoring System Using ESP32

Device Control and Relay Operation:

The ESP32 microcontroller interfaces with nine relays, each connected to a separate electrical device.
The mobile application sends commands to the ESP32 via MQTT protocol to switch relays on or off, thereby controlling the connected devices.

Current Measurement:

A current sensor is integrated into the system to measure the electrical current flowing through each device.
The ESP32 processes this data to calculate and display the current consumption of each device in real-time.

Threshold Configuration and Alerts:

Users can set a threshold current value through the mobile app.
If the current consumption of any device exceeds this threshold, the system triggers a warning.
If the overload condition persists, the system automatically turns off all devices to prevent damage or safety risks.

Data Display:

Current measurements and device status are displayed on a 20x4 LCD screen for immediate visual feedback.
The mobile app also reflects real-time data and device status, providing users with a comprehensive view of the system.

System Integration:

The ESP32 microcontroller acts as the central hub, coordinating between the relays, current sensors, LCD display, and mobile app.
The MQTT protocol ensures reliable communication between the mobile app and the ESP32, enabling real-time control and monitoring.

Modules Used to Make IoT-Based Load Monitoring System Using ESP32

ESP32 Microcontroller Module: Serves as the main control unit for processing data and managing device operations.

Relay Module: Used to control the on/off state of up to nine electrical devices.

Current Sensor Module: Measures the current consumption of connected devices.

20x4 LCD Display: Provides real-time visual feedback on the current status and measurements.

MQTT Protocol: Facilitates communication between the ESP32 and the mobile application for remote control and monitoring.

Components Used in IoT-Based Load Monitoring System Using ESP32

ESP32 Development Board
9 Channel Relay Module
Current Sensor (e.g., ACS712)
20x4 LCD Display Module
Power Supply (for ESP32 and peripherals)
Connecting Wires and Breadboard
Mobile Application (custom-developed)
MQTT Broker (server)
Enclosure (for housing the electronics)

Other Possible Projects Using This Project Kit

Smart Energy Meter: Create an energy meter system that tracks and analyzes energy consumption across multiple devices.

Home Security System: Integrate load monitoring with a security system to alert users about unusual power usage or tampering with devices.

Industrial Equipment Monitoring: Expand the system for industrial use to monitor and control machinery, with additional sensors for temperature, humidity, etc.

Smart Agriculture: Adapt the system for agricultural settings to control and monitor irrigation systems and other electrical equipment.

Remote Site Management: Utilize the system in remote or off-grid locations for managing and monitoring electrical loads with minimal manual intervention.

Wed, 04 Sep 2024 02:41:50 -0600 Techpacs Canada Ltd.
Library Seat Management System using load cell & ultrasonic sensor

✔ Price: 15,000

Library Seat Management System


The "Library Seat Management System" is an innovative project aimed at optimizing the use of seating in libraries. The system uses a combination of load cells (HX711) and ultrasonic sensors to monitor and manage the occupancy status of library seats. Each seat is equipped with both a load cell and an ultrasonic sensor to provide accurate and real-time information about seat usage. A seat is considered "booked" only when two conditions are met simultaneously: the weight detected by the load cell exceeds a predefined threshold, and the ultrasonic sensor registers a distance below a certain threshold, indicating the presence of a person. If either condition is not met, the seat is marked as "vacant." The system's status is displayed on a 20x4 LCD, providing clear and immediate feedback on seat availability, helping library staff and visitors to quickly find vacant seats, and ensuring efficient seat utilization.


  1. Enhance Seat Utilization: To ensure optimal use of library seating by accurately detecting and displaying seat occupancy in real time.
  2. Improve User Experience: Provide library users with clear information on seat availability, reducing time spent searching for available seats.
  3. Facilitate Efficient Library Management: Assist library staff in monitoring seating arrangements, reducing manual effort, and improving the overall management of library resources.
  4. Promote Order and Convenience: Maintain a quiet and organized environment by minimizing disruptions caused by users searching for seats.
  5. Real-Time Monitoring: Ensure up-to-date status monitoring of seats to handle peak times efficiently.

Key Features:

  • Dual-Sensor Detection: Combines load cell data and ultrasonic sensor readings to accurately detect seat occupancy.
  • Real-Time Status Display: Shows seat status on a 20x4 LCD, allowing users and staff to see current occupancy at a glance.
  • Threshold-Based Booking: Uses predefined thresholds for load cells and ultrasonic sensors to ensure reliable detection of seat occupancy.
  • Automated Monitoring: Continuously monitors seat status without the need for manual intervention, improving operational efficiency.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Provides an easy-to-read display for both library staff and visitors to quickly check seat availability.
  • Low Power Consumption: Efficiently designed to operate with minimal power, making it cost-effective for long-term use.

Application Areas:

  • Libraries and Study Rooms: Monitor and manage seating to ensure efficient use of resources and enhance the user experience.
  • Educational Institutions: Use in classrooms, study halls, or lecture rooms to track attendance and seat utilization.
  • Co-Working Spaces: Helps manage and display seat availability in shared work environments.
  • Public Waiting Areas: Can be adapted for use in airports, bus stations, and hospitals to indicate available seating.

Detailed Working of the Library Seat Management System:

  1. Initialization: The system is initialized by powering on the microcontroller, which activates all connected components, including load cells, ultrasonic sensors, and the LCD display.
  2. Seat Monitoring: Each seat is equipped with one HX711 load cell and one ultrasonic sensor. The load cell measures the weight on the seat, while the ultrasonic sensor measures the distance to the nearest object (typically the user).
  3. Data Processing: The system continuously reads data from both sensors. If the load cell value exceeds a predefined threshold and the ultrasonic sensor detects a distance shorter than its set threshold, the system determines that the seat is occupied.
  4. Seat Status Update: When both conditions are met, the system marks the seat as "booked." If either condition is not met, the seat is marked as "vacant."
  5. Display Output: The 20x4 LCD display shows the real-time status of each seat, updating dynamically as the occupancy changes.
  6. Continuous Monitoring: The system operates continuously, ensuring that any changes in seat occupancy are immediately detected and displayed.

Modules Used to Make the Library Seat Management System:

  1. Sensor Module: Includes the HX711 load cells and ultrasonic sensors to detect seat occupancy based on weight and distance.
  2. Data Processing Module: A microcontroller (such as an Arduino or Raspberry Pi) processes the sensor data and determines seat status.
  3. Display Module: The 20x4 LCD display shows the real-time status of each seat.
  4. Power Management Module: Manages the power supply to all components, ensuring efficient energy consumption.
  5. Threshold Control Module: Sets and manages the thresholds for both the load cells and ultrasonic sensors to accurately detect seat occupancy.

Components Used in the Library Seat Management System:

  • HX711 Load Cells (x4): Detect the weight on each seat to determine if it is occupied.
  • Ultrasonic Sensors (x4): Measure the distance to the nearest object (the user) to confirm seat occupancy.
  • Microcontroller (e.g., Arduino or Raspberry Pi): Central unit for processing data from sensors and controlling the display.
  • LCD Display (20x4): Provides a visual representation of seat status for library users and staff.
  • Connecting Wires and Breadboards: For circuit connections and sensor interfacing.
  • Power Supply: Supplies necessary power to the microcontroller, sensors, and LCD display.

Other Possible Projects Using this Project Kit:

  1. Classroom Attendance System: Adapt the system to track student attendance based on seat occupancy in classrooms.
  2. Smart Office Desk Management: Use the sensors to monitor desk usage in co-working spaces or offices, optimizing space allocation.
  3. Public Transport Seat Monitoring: Implement the system in buses or trains to indicate available seating.
  4. Smart Theater Seat Booking: Use the system in theaters or auditoriums to automatically update seat occupancy and booking status.
Fri, 30 Aug 2024 04:57:38 -0600 Techpacs Canada Ltd.
Arduino-Based Otto Bot for Basic Robotics Education

✔ Price: 5,250

Watch the complete assembly process in the video provided below.

Assembling the Otto Bot: A Hands-On Guide to Robotics

This video provides a step-by-step guide to assembling the Otto Bot, a beginner-friendly robotics project. You'll learn how to connect the Arduino microcontroller, mount the servo motors for movement, and integrate the ultrasonic sensor for obstacle detection. The assembly process is straightforward, making it an ideal introduction to robotics, electronics, and programming. By following this video, you'll gain hands-on experience with constructing a functional walking robot, setting the foundation for understanding more advanced robotic systems.

Arduino-Based Otto Bot for Basic Robotics Education

The Arduino-Based Otto Bot project is designed to provide foundational knowledge in robotics through the construction and programming of a simple walking robot. This project utilizes an Arduino microcontroller, servo motors, and ultrasonic sensors to enable the Otto Bot to navigate its environment. The simplicity of the components and coding involved makes it an ideal introductory project for anyone interested in learning the basics of robotics, electronics, and programming. The hands-on experience gained from this project is invaluable for understanding the core concepts of mechatronics and autonomous systems.


- To teach the basics of Arduino programming and interfacing with electronic components.

- To provide hands-on experience with constructing and wiring a robotic device.

- To demonstrate the principles of sensor integration and data acquisition.

- To introduce fundamental concepts of robotic locomotion and control systems.

- To encourage problem-solving and creative thinking in designing and programming robots.

Key Features

- Easy to construct with readily available components.

- Utilizes an Arduino microcontroller for seamless programming and control.

- Equipped with four servo motors for movement and navigation.

- Integrates an ultrasonic sensor for obstacle detection and avoidance.

- Provides a practical introduction to basic robotics and sensor-based systems.

Application Areas

The Arduino-Based Otto Bot project is primarily intended for educational use, providing a hands-on learning experience for students and hobbyists interested in robotics and automation. It can be used in classroom settings as a practical component of STEM curricula, workshops, and maker spaces. Additionally, it serves as an effective introductory project for individuals seeking to develop their skills in electronics, programming, and robotic system design. Beyond education, this project can also be a stepping stone for more advanced robotic and automation projects, offering foundational knowledge and skills that can be expanded upon in more complex applications.

Detailed Working of Arduino-Based Otto Bot for Basic Robotics Education :

The Arduino-Based Otto Bot represents a sophisticated yet accessible venture into robotics education. At the heart of the bot lies an Arduino microcontroller, specifically tasked with orchestrating various sensors and actuators to deliver a seamless operation. Let's delve into the circuit's profound intricacies to understand how a simplistic assembly of components breathes life into this automaton.

Beginning with the power supply, a 1300mAh battery serves as the primary energy reservoir, delivering necessary power through its connections to the Arduino board. This robust voltage ensures that the entire circuit functions reliably, supplying the energy required by both the microcontroller and the peripheral components attached to it.

The data flow within the Otto Bot commences with the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, strategically positioned to gauge distances. The VCC and GND pins of the sensor connect to the respective power and ground lines emanating from the Arduino board, establishing the power prerequisites. Meanwhile, the Trig and Echo pins establish data connections, relaying information to the digital I/O pins of the Arduino. As the sensor emits ultrasonic waves, it waits to detect the reflected signals, decoding the time lapse into measurable distances which it then forwards to the Arduino for processing.

Moreover, the Otto Bot is endowed with four servo motors, each responsible for a limb's movement, collectively driving the bot’s mechanical actions. Each servo motor includes a trio of wires – signal, power (VCC), and ground (GND). The signal wires from these servos are connected to designated PWM pins on the Arduino, facilitating precise control of their angular positions through Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). The consistent power supply to these motors is crucial, provided by connections to the Arduino’s VCC and GND pins.

When the bot is operational, the microcontroller executes a programmed sequence of instructions. It periodically pings the ultrasonic sensor to ask for the current distance to an obstacle. This data determines the bot's next movement – whether to step forward, backward, avoid an obstacle, or even perform a unique motion, simulating humanoid behaviors. The Arduino synthesizes input from the sensor and translates this information into motor commands.

For instance, upon detecting an obstacle within a specified proximity, the Arduino might decide to rotate the servos to enact a pivot or sidestep maneuver. PWM signals sent from the Arduino to the servos govern the exact angles to which the servo motors adjust. Thus, through synchronized rotations and articulations of its joints, the Otto Bot can navigate its environment dynamically.

Aside from obstacle avoidance, the programmability of the Arduino allows for a myriad of behaviors. With adjustments to the code, the Otto Bot can be taught to demonstrate specific movements, dance sequences, or even interactive gestures. The flexibility of the Arduino platform ensures that this basic bot can be a stepping stone into more complex robotics projects, equipping students with foundational knowledge and practical skills.

In summation, the intricate interplay between the Arduino microcontroller, ultrasonic sensor, and servo motors forms the lifeblood of the Otto Bot. The microcontroller orchestrates sensor readings and motor responses, creating a robust, interactive learning tool that exemplifies the principles of robotics. Through such projects, enthusiasts gain a profound appreciation of how electronic components synergize, paving the way for exploration and innovation in robotics education.

Arduino-Based Otto Bot for Basic Robotics Education

Modules used to make Arduino-Based Otto Bot for Basic Robotics Education:

1. Power Supply Module

The power supply module provides the necessary electrical power to the entire Otto Bot. Typically, a 1300mAh Li-Po battery is used to ensure the device operates efficiently. The positive terminal of the battery connects to the VIN pin of the ESP8266 microcontroller, and the ground terminal connects to the GND pin. This setup ensures a stable power supply to the microcontroller and peripheral devices. The battery's capacity also ensures the Bot can operate for a considerably extended time without requiring frequent recharges, making it reliable in an educational environment.

2. Microcontroller Module (ESP8266)

The ESP8266 microcontroller is the brain of the Otto Bot. It receives power from the battery pack and interfaces with other components. The microcontroller processes input data from sensors and executes corresponding commands, such as controlling servo motors to move the robot. It is pre-programmed with firmware that defines the robot's behavior, and it manages the communication with different modules via its GPIO pins. The ESP8266 also supports Wi-Fi, enabling potential connectivity features for remote control or data logging if required in more advanced projects.

3. Ultrasonic Sensor Module (HC-SR04)

The HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor module is used to detect obstacles in the path of the Otto Bot. This sensor comprises four pins: VCC, GND, TRIG, and ECHO. It operates by emitting an ultrasonic pulse via the TRIG pin and listening for its echo via the ECHO pin. The ESP8266 measures the time taken for the echo to return, which is then converted into distance. Data from the ultrasonic sensor is continuously monitored by the microcontroller to avoid collisions and navigate around obstacles. The accurate readings from this sensor ensure smooth and intelligent navigation of the robot.

4. Servo Motor Module

Four servo motors are used as actuators to facilitate the Otto Bot's movement. These motors are connected to the microcontroller via the GPIO pins and receive PWM signals that determine their precise angle of rotation. The servos are typically arranged to control the legs or wheels of the robot, allowing it to walk or move in different directions. Commands from the microcontroller result in timed and coordinated movements of the servos, enabling complex actions such as turning, walking, and responding to sensor inputs. The motors require consistent and calibrated signals to operate smoothly and are crucial for the Bot's mobility.

Components Used in Arduino-Based Otto Bot for Basic Robotics Education :

Power Supply

Provides the necessary power to the entire robot circuit, ensuring all components operate efficiently.


Acts as the brain of the robot, controlling the servo motors and processing inputs from the ultrasonic sensor.


HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
Measures the distance to obstacles in front of the robot, providing input for navigation and obstacle avoidance.


Servo Motors (4x)
Control the movement of the robot's limbs, facilitating walking and other robotic motions.

Other Possible Projects Using this Project Kit:

The Arduino-based Otto Bot kit is an excellent starter kit for various robotics projects. Utilizing the same set of components—consisting of an Arduino or similar microcontroller, HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, and servo motors connected to a power supply—you can create several other interesting projects to enhance your programming and robotics skills. Below are a few possibilities that leverage the components from the Otto Bot project kit:

1. Automated Pet Feeder

An automated pet feeder can be created using the servo motors to open and close a lid, while the ultrasonic sensor detects the pet's presence. By programming the microcontroller, food can be dispensed at specific times or when the pet is nearby. This project teaches timing and sensor integration while providing a practical application for busy pet owners.

2. Obstacle-Avoidance Car

Using the ultrasonic sensor and servos, you can build a simple car that can navigate through a series of obstacles. The ultrasonic sensor detects obstacles in its path and sends signals to the microcontroller, which then adjusts the servos to steer the car in a new direction. This project helps in understanding basic navigation algorithms and sensor integration into moving components.

3. Robotic Arm with Gripper

Convert the Otto Bot into a robotic arm with a gripper attachment. Use the servos to control the arm's movement and the gripper's opening and closing actions. With the addition of the ultrasonic sensor, the arm could be programmed to pick up objects at a precise distance. This project delves into more complex servo control and coordination between multiple moving parts.

4. Line Following Robot

A line-following robot uses sensors to detect and follow a line on the ground. Although the Otto Bot kit doesn't specifically come with line-following sensors, you can repurpose the ultrasonic sensor and servo motors. The ultrasonic sensor helps in obstacle detection, while slight modifications in the program allow the servo motors to steer the robot along a pre-designed path. This project introduces basic automation and control algorithms used in industrial environments.

Tue, 11 Jun 2024 07:03:15 -0600 Techpacs Canada Ltd.
AI-Powered Surveillance Robot Using Raspberry Pi for Enhanced Security

✔ Price: 36,250

AI-Powered Surveillance Robot Using Raspberry Pi for Enhanced Security

In today's fast-paced world, security has become paramount, demanding intelligent solutions for safeguarding both personal and public spaces. The AI-Powered Surveillance Robot leverages the versatility and computing power of Raspberry Pi to create an advanced surveillance system. This robotic surveillance system employs artificial intelligence to detect and respond to security threats in real-time, enhancing conventional security methods. With capabilities such as video streaming, motion detection, and autonomous navigation, this project aims to provide comprehensive and cost-effective security solutions for various environments.


- Develop an autonomous surveillance robot capable of patrolling predefined areas.
- Implement AI algorithms for detecting and identifying potential security threats in real-time.
- Enable real-time video streaming for remote monitoring.
- Integrate sensors for enhanced situational awareness and obstacle detection.
- Create a user-friendly interface for easy management and control of the surveillance system.

Key Features

- AI-powered threat detection and analysis. - Real-time HD video streaming capability. - Autonomous navigation with obstacle detection. - Remote control and monitoring through a user-friendly interface. - Low power consumption and efficient battery management.

Application Areas

The AI-Powered Surveillance Robot is highly versatile and can be deployed in various application areas to enhance security. In residential environments, it can monitor for intruders or unauthorized activities, providing peace of mind to homeowners. In commercial spaces such as offices and retail stores, this robot can patrol premises after-hours, ensuring the safety of assets and sensitive information. Public areas such as parks, event venues, and transportation hubs can also benefit from heightened security measures to prevent and respond to suspicious activities effectively. Additionally, the robot is suitable for use in industrial settings, monitoring facilities for potential hazards and ensuring compliance with safety regulations.

Detailed Working of AI-Powered Surveillance Robot Using Raspberry Pi for Enhanced Security :

In the exciting realm of modern security, our story begins with an AI-powered surveillance robot that utilizes a Raspberry Pi to enhance security measures. The circuit diagram reveals a fascinating design integrating multiple components orchestrated to work in harmony. This composition starts with a 12V, 5Ah battery providing the necessary power source, and ends with the robot efficiently monitoring its environment, ensuring safety and security.

The first pivotal member of this intricate system is the Raspberry Pi, a small but powerful computer that forms the brain of the robot. Connected to this core component, various subsystems and sensors communicate data and receive instructions to carry out specific tasks. The Raspberry Pi’s GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) pins serve as the primary interface for other hardware components. The AI algorithms running on the Raspberry Pi analyze inputs from different sensors, making real-time decisions and executing corresponding actions.

The power management subsystem is managed by a buck converter that steps down the battery’s 12V to a suitable 5V required by the Raspberry Pi. The buck converter ensures stable voltage regulation, protecting sensitive electronics from power fluctuations. The red and black wires from the battery connect to the input terminals of the buck converter, while the output terminals connect to the power input pins of the Raspberry Pi. Through this regulation, the Raspberry Pi receives consistent power for uninterrupted operation.

Attached to the Raspberry Pi, we have a camera module. This component serves as the eyes of the robot. It captures live video feed or still images of the surroundings. The camera interface, a ribbon cable connector labeled as CSI (Camera Serial Interface), links the camera to the Raspberry Pi. As the camera module captures visual data, this information is then processed by the AI algorithms running on the Raspberry Pi. These algorithms are trained to recognize objects, detect motion, and even identify faces or other specific attributes in the captured images.

Next, the robot’s mobility is controlled through an L298N motor driver. The motor driver translates high-level commands from the Raspberry Pi into actionable signals that control the DC motors. These motors, connected to the wheels of the robot, allow it to navigate its environment. The L298N motor driver is connected to the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi and to the DC motors with appropriate wiring for power and control signals. The Raspberry Pi sends Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signals to the motor driver, precisely controlling the speed and direction of the motors, and consequently, the movement of the robot.

An additional component enhancing the functionality of our surveillance robot is a buzzer. This buzzer is linked to the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi and serves as an alert mechanism. In situations where the AI algorithms detect abnormal activities—such as unauthorized entry or suspicious objects—the Raspberry Pi activates the buzzer. This immediate auditory signal alerts nearby individuals to potential security breaches, enabling quick response.

The interaction between hardware and software within this surveillance robot embodies a finely-tuned dance of data flow and machine intelligence. The power from the battery flows through the buck converter to the Raspberry Pi, ensuring consistent operation. The camera continuously streams visual data, which is analyzed in real-time by AI algorithms on the Raspberry Pi. Based on this analysis, the Raspberry Pi makes decisions to navigate the robot via the motor driver, or to trigger the buzzer as an alert, creating an autonomous, responsive surveillance system.

In conclusion, the AI-powered surveillance robot is a marvel of modern engineering and artificial intelligence. The seamless integration of sensors, power management, and motion control, all orchestrated by the Raspberry Pi, provides a robust and intelligent security system. Each component plays a crucial role in ensuring that the robot effectively monitors its environment, detects anomalies, and responds appropriately, all while powered by a compact and efficient power source. This synthesis of technology represents a significant advancement in the field of automated security, offering enhanced protection and peace of mind.

AI-Powered Surveillance Robot Using Raspberry Pi for Enhanced Security

Modules used to make AI-Powered Surveillance Robot Using Raspberry Pi for Enhanced Security :

1. Power Supply Module

The power supply module is critical in providing the necessary energy to all the components of the surveillance robot. It starts with a 12V 5Ah battery, which is connected to a DC-DC buck converter. The converter steps down the 12V to the operating voltage required by the Raspberry Pi and other sensors, typically 5V. This ensures that the components receive a stable and suitable power supply, preventing any damage due to overvoltage. Additionally, the buck converter helps in displaying the output voltage using a digital display. This visual feedback ensures that the voltage levels are correctly regulated before they are distributed to other modules.

2. Raspberry Pi Module

The Raspberry Pi acts as the central processing unit of the surveillance robot, managing data flow between various sensors and actuators. It receives power from the buck converter at a regulated 5V input. The Pi runs a combination of Python scripts and AI algorithms that process inputs from sensors connected via its GPIO pins. It also interfaces with a connected camera module to capture real-time images or video streams. The onboard Wi-Fi module enables remote monitoring and control of the robot through a network. The Pi processes sensor data, makes intelligent decisions based on AI models, and sends appropriate control signals to drive motors and other output devices.

3. Camera Module

The camera module is connected to the Raspberry Pi and serves the primary function of surveillance. This high-resolution camera captures images and streams video in real-time. The data from the camera is fed into the AI algorithms running on the Raspberry Pi, which continuously analyzes the video feed for any suspicious activities or intruders. The AI model might involve object detection and tracking features that identify moving objects or human intrusions. The processed video feed can be stored locally on the Pi for further analysis or streamed to a remote server for real-time monitoring.

4. Motor Driver Module

The motor driver module, often using an L298N motor driver, controls the robot's movement. This module receives control signals from the Raspberry Pi and translates them into high-power output for the motors. The motor driver fetches its power from the main supply converted through the buck converter. It can control the speed and direction of the connected motors, enabling the robot to move forward, backward, turn left, or turn right based on the surveillance requirements. The precise control facilitated by PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signals from the Pi ensures smooth and accurate movements of the surveillance robot.

5. Buzzer Module

The buzzer module is an alert system that provides immediate audio feedback in case of detected anomalies or intrusions. Connected to the Raspberry Pi, the buzzer is triggered through GPIO pins when the surveillance algorithms identify a threat. The Raspberry Pi activates the buzzer, generating a loud sound to deter intruders and alert nearby personnel. The use of a buzzer is critical for real-time alerting and ensures an immediate response to potential security breaches. This module, while simple, adds an essential layer of interaction to the surveillance system, making it more responsive and proactive in real-life scenarios.

6. DC Motors and Wheels

The DC motors coupled with wheels provide the mobility required for the surveillance robot. Controlled by the motor driver module, the DC motors enable the robot to navigate through various terrains and positions to maximize its surveillance coverage. These motors receive power and control signals from the motor driver, which in turn is controlled by the Raspberry Pi. The robot's movements are strategically programmed based on the AI model's analysis of the surveillance environment, ensuring efficient patrolling and area coverage. With the flexibility to maneuver in different directions, these motors form the backbone of the robot’s operational capability.

Components Used in AI-Powered Surveillance Robot Using Raspberry Pi for Enhanced Security :

Power Supply Module

12V 5Ah Battery

This battery provides the primary power source for the entire circuitry, enabling the robot to operate independently for extended periods.

DC-DC Buck Converter

This component steps down the voltage from the 12V battery to a suitable level to safely power the Raspberry Pi and other electronics.

Control Module

Raspberry Pi

This serves as the central processing unit, controlling all aspects of the surveillance robot including data processing, communication, and decision-making.

Vision Module

Camera Module

The camera module captures live video feed and images, which are processed by the Raspberry Pi for object detection and surveillance.

Motion and Motor Control Module

Motor Driver (L298N)

This driver controls the motors' operations, allowing the Raspberry Pi to manage the robot's movement with precision.

DC Motors

The DC motors are responsible for the physical movement of the robot, enabling it to patrol areas for surveillance.

Alert Module


The buzzer acts as an audible alert system, sounding alarms when specific events or conditions are detected by the surveillance system.

Other Possible Projects Using this Project Kit:

1. AI-Based Obstacle Avoidance Robot

An AI-Based Obstacle Avoidance Robot can be constructed using the same set of components in this kit. By leveraging the Raspberry Pi and the connected camera module, the robot can detect obstacles in its path. The AI-trained model on the Raspberry Pi helps in recognizing objects and thus navigating around them. The motors and motor driver module will control the movement of the robot to steer it clear of any obstacles. The 12V battery will provide sufficient power to all components, ensuring smooth operation. This project is particularly useful in areas such as automated delivery systems and personal assistance where autonomous navigation is essential.

2. Smart Home Surveillance System

Using the components from the kit, you can develop a Smart Home Surveillance System. The camera module connected to the Raspberry Pi will constantly monitor specified areas. Utilizing AI, the system can detect unusual activities or intrusions and send alerts to the homeowner via a connected application. The buzzer can be programmed to sound an alarm upon detecting unauthorized entry. The 12V battery ensures non-stop operation in case of power outages. This setup provides an effective, automated way to keep homes secure, substantially enhancing peace of mind for residents.

3. AI-Powered Delivery Robot

Another intriguing project is an AI-Powered Delivery Robot. This robot can be programmed to deliver items within a specified area. The Raspberry Pi would process inputs from the camera, identifying pathways and obstacles, while the motor driver and motors control the movement based on the AI’s directives. The battery ensures the robot has enough power to make its rounds. This project has significant applications in warehouses, hospitals, or even urban settings where automated delivery services are becoming increasingly popular.

Tue, 11 Jun 2024 05:16:56 -0600 Techpacs Canada Ltd.
IoT-Based Smart Garbage Monitoring System for Efficient Waste Management

✔ Price: 21,875

IoT-Based Smart Garbage Monitoring System for Efficient Waste Management

The IoT-Based Smart Garbage Monitoring System for Efficient Waste Management is designed to revolutionize the traditional methods of waste collection and management in urban areas. By integrating IoT (Internet of Things) technologies, this system facilitates real-time monitoring of garbage bin statuses, ensuring timely waste disposal, and maintaining hygiene. This innovative solution aims to optimize waste management processes, reduce operational costs, and minimize environmental impact. The system employs ultrasonic sensors to detect the level of trash in bins, sending this data to a central server via Wi-Fi, where it can be monitored and analyzed for action.


To automate the process of waste monitoring and management.

To reduce the frequency of waste collection trips by providing real-time data.

To improve overall cleanliness by preventing overflow of garbage bins.

To assist municipal authorities in efficient route planning for waste collection.

To provide actionable insights through data analytics for better waste management strategies.

Key Features

1. Real-time monitoring of garbage levels using ultrasonic sensors.
2. Wi-Fi-enabled data transmission to a central server.
3. Alerts and notifications for full or nearly full garbage bins.
4. Web-based dashboard for visualizing data and monitoring statuses.
5. Solar-powered setup for energy efficiency and sustainability.

Application Areas

The IoT-Based Smart Garbage Monitoring System for Efficient Waste Management has diverse application areas in urban and suburban environments. In residential districts, it ensures timely waste collection, avoiding unsightly and unhealthy overflow situations. For commercial centers and shopping malls, it helps maintain cleanliness and an inviting atmosphere for shoppers. Educational institutions and corporate campuses benefit by keeping their environments clean and promoting a culture of hygiene. Additionally, municipal authorities can efficiently manage public waste bins in parks, streets, and public transport stations, enhancing the quality of life for citizens. This system can also be utilized in smart city implementations, contributing to eco-friendly and sustainable urban living.

Detailed Working of IoT-Based Smart Garbage Monitoring System for Efficient Waste Management :

The IoT-based Smart Garbage Monitoring System is an innovative solution designed to enhance waste management efficiency by continuously tracking the fill levels of waste bins in real-time. This system leverages the capabilities of various electronic components interfaced with a microcontroller to effectively monitor and communicate waste bin data. Let's delve into the detailed working of this circuit.

At the heart of this smart system lies the ESP8266 microcontroller, a Wi-Fi enabled device that facilitates seamless communication with the cloud for data processing and storage. Powering the circuit begins with a 220V AC input, which is stepped down to a manageable 24V AC using a transformer. This alternating current is then converted to direct current using a bridge rectifier, composed of diodes that facilitate the conversion process. The rectified current is further stabilized using capacitors to filter out any residual ripples, ensuring a steady DC supply.

Two voltage regulators, the LM7812 and LM7805, play a crucial role in delivering the required voltages to different portions of the circuit. The LM7812 provides a regulated 12V DC output, while the LM7805 ensures a stable 5V output necessary for the ESP8266 and other low-voltage components. The capacitors associated with these regulators smoothen the output voltages by eliminating any fluctuations.

The core functionality of the garbage monitoring system revolves around ultrasonic sensors, strategically placed on each bin. These sensors continuously emit ultrasonic waves and measure the time taken for the waves to reflect back after hitting the garbage. By calculating the distance between the sensor and the garbage, the system determines the fill level of the bin. Each of these sensors is connected to the ESP8266 microcontroller, which systematically processes the data received from them.

The processed information is then displayed on an LCD screen that provides a real-time update on the status of each bin. The LCD, an interface between the system and the user, receives data from the ESP8266 and displays the fill levels, offering a clear and precise visual representation. This ensures that waste management personnel are constantly informed about which bins require immediate attention, thereby optimizing the collection routes and reducing unnecessary trips.

In addition to local display, the ESP8266 microcontroller’s in-built Wi-Fi module enables the transmission of data to a cloud server, facilitating remote monitoring. Waste management supervisors can access this data through a web-based application or mobile app, receiving alerts and notifications whenever a bin reaches its maximum capacity. This interconnectedness ensures a smart waste management system that is both scalable and efficient.

Furthermore, the system includes a buzzer connected to the ESP8266, which acts as an auditory alert mechanism. When a bin is full, the microcontroller triggers the buzzer to sound an alarm, immediately notifying nearby personnel of the need to empty the bin. This multi-faceted alert system enhances the responsiveness of the waste management process, ensuring that bins are cleared promptly before they overflow.

To sum up, the IoT-based Smart Garbage Monitoring System represents a seamless integration of electronic sensors, microcontrollers, and wireless communication to revolutionize waste management. By providing real-time data on waste levels, the system not only optimizes collection routines but also contributes to a cleaner and more sustainable environment. Its innovative approach exemplifies the transformative impact of IoT in addressing everyday challenges, making waste management smarter and more efficient.

IoT-Based Smart Garbage Monitoring System for Efficient Waste Management

Modules used to make IoT-Based Smart Garbage Monitoring System for Efficient Waste Management :

1. Power Supply Module

The power supply module is essential for providing the necessary voltage and current to the components of the IoT-based smart garbage monitoring system. Starting from an AC mains supply (220V), the current is stepped down to a safer voltage level using a transformer. This stepped-down AC voltage is then converted to DC voltage using a rectifier, alongside filtering capacitors to smooth out any ripples in the DC signal. Following this, voltage regulators (LM7812 and LM7805) are used to provide stable 12V and 5V outputs, respectively. The output is essential for powering various parts of the circuit, including the microcontroller, sensors, and display units.

2. Microcontroller Module

The microcontroller (ESP8266) is the brain of the system. It processes input data from the ultrasonic sensors and manages communication between different modules. The ESP8266 is equipped with integrated Wi-Fi, facilitating the system's IoT capabilities. Firmware running on the microcontroller processes the distance data from the sensors to determine the level of waste in the bins. It then sends this processed information to a remote server via the internet. The microcontroller also interfaces with the LCD display to update users about the current status of the garbage bins in real-time.

3. Ultrasonic Sensor Module

Ultrasonic sensors (HC-SR04) are used to measure the distance between the sensor and the surface of the garbage inside the bin. Each ultrasonic sensor consists of a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter emits ultrasonic pulses, and the receiver detects the reflected waves. The time taken for the waves to return is measured and converted into distance. In this system, multiple ultrasonic sensors are used to cover different bins or sections of garbage for comprehensive monitoring. The acquired distance data is then sent to the microcontroller for further processing.

4. Display Module

The display module, which includes an LCD screen, shows real-time information about the garbage levels in the bins. The LCD is interfaced with the microcontroller, and it receives updates every time the sensor readings change. The purpose of the LCD is to provide a quick and visually accessible way for personnel to check the status without needing to access the IoT platform. The screen displays messages such as “Bin 1: 75% Full” to indicate the current waste level in each bin monitored by the system.

5. IoT Communication Module

The IoT communication module encompasses the Wi-Fi capabilities of the ESP8266 microcontroller and a cloud server. After processing the data from the ultrasonic sensors, the microcontroller uses its built-in Wi-Fi to establish an internet connection and send the data to a cloud server. This server could be a dedicated IoT platform or a custom solution where data analytics and storage are performed. Through this module, remote monitoring and management of garbage levels can be achieved, allowing municipal and waste management authorities to optimize collection schedules and routes.

Components Used in IoT-Based Smart Garbage Monitoring System for Efficient Waste Management :

Microcontroller Module

This microcontroller is used to manage all the sensors and the display in the system while also providing Wi-Fi connectivity for transmitting data to a server or cloud for remote monitoring.

Sensor Module

HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
These sensors are utilized to measure the distance between the sensor and the garbage level. Four of these sensors monitor different sections of the garbage bin, providing comprehensive data on the fill level.

Display Module

16x2 LCD Display
This module is used to show real-time data of the garbage level and other system statuses, offering a visual representation of the current state of the garbage bin directly on the device.

Power Supply Module

220V to 24V Transformer
This transformer steps down the voltage from 220V to 24V, suitable for the voltage requirements of the system's power regulators.

LM7812 Voltage Regulator
This component ensures a stable 12V output, crucial for maintaining the proper operation of certain sensors and components.

LM7805 Voltage Regulator
This regulator provides a steady 5V output, which is essential for the microcontroller and other low voltage components to function correctly.

Other Components

Capacitors are used for filtering and smoothing out voltage fluctuations in the power supply to ensure stable operation of the system.

Resistors control the current flow in the circuit and are integral in protecting various components, especially in the power supply module.

The buzzer acts as an alert mechanism to notify the user when the garbage bin is full or in other alert-worthy conditions.

Other Possible Projects Using this Project Kit:

1. Smart Parking Management System

With the components available in the kit, one interesting application could be a smart parking management system. Utilizing the ultrasonic sensors, this system can detect the presence of a vehicle in a parking slot. The ESP8266 module can be employed to send data to a cloud server, providing real-time updates about parking space availability. An LCD display can be used to show the parking status at the entrance of the parking area. Additionally, by integrating a mobile application, users can receive notifications about available parking spots and even reserve them beforehand. This project can greatly ease the process of finding parking in crowded areas and significantly reduce the time drivers spend searching for an open spot.

2. Home Security Surveillance System

Another potential project is a home security surveillance system. The ultrasonic sensors can be positioned near doors and windows to detect any unauthorized entry. The ESP8266 microcontroller can send alerts to the homeowner’s smartphone via Wi-Fi whenever movement is detected, ensuring immediate notification of potential intrusions. Additionally, an LCD can display real-time information about the status of each surveillance point. To expand the system, you can integrate additional sensors such as PIR (Passive Infrared) sensors and cameras to provide a comprehensive security solution. This project enhances home security by providing continuous surveillance and timely alerts.

3. Smart Street Lighting System

Utilize the existing components to build a smart street lighting system. The ultrasonic sensors can detect the presence of vehicles or pedestrians, and based on this data, the system can turn street lights on or off. The ESP8266 module can control the lighting and collect data on street light usage patterns, sending them to a cloud platform for analytical purposes. By incorporating a real-time clock module, the system can also manage lighting schedules efficiently. This project not only leads to considerable energy savings but also ensures that streets are adequately lit only when necessary, thereby enhancing safety and reducing electricity consumption.

Tue, 11 Jun 2024 05:46:45 -0600 Techpacs Canada Ltd.
IoT-Based Remote Agriculture Automation System for Smart Farming

✔ Price: 24,375

IoT-Based Remote Agriculture Automation System for Smart Farming

The IoT-Based Remote Agriculture Automation System for Smart Farming is designed to revolutionize traditional farming practices by integrating modern technology into farming operations. This project leverages IoT solutions to provide real-time monitoring and automated control of various farming tasks such as irrigation, lighting, and environmental control. The system includes sensors and actuators connected to a central microcontroller, enabling remote access and operation via the internet. This smart farming approach aims to enhance productivity, optimize resource usage, and ensure better crop management by providing actionable insights and automating repetitive tasks.


To provide real-time monitoring of soil moisture levels and automate irrigation systems accordingly.

To reduce manual labor by automating environmental controls such as lighting and fans based on crop needs.

To improve crop management by providing actionable insights through data analytics.

To facilitate remote access and control of farming operations through a user-friendly interface.

To ensure optimal resource utilization, thereby promoting sustainable farming practices.

Key Features

Real-time soil moisture monitoring and automated irrigation system

Environmental control systems, including automated lighting and ventilation

User-friendly web interface for remote monitoring and control

Data analytics and reporting for informed decision-making

Energy-efficient design with smart resource management

Application Areas

The IoT-Based Remote Agriculture Automation System is highly versatile and can be applied across various agricultural settings. It is particularly beneficial for both large-scale commercial farms and small-scale farmers seeking to optimize crop yields and streamline farming operations. The system is suitable for diverse farming types, including horticulture, greenhouse farming, and open-field agriculture. Additionally, it can be used in research institutions for monitoring experimental crops and in educational settings to teach students about modern agriculture technologies. Through its ability to provide precise control and valuable data insights, this smart farming system supports sustainable agriculture practices and enhances overall farm productivity.

Detailed Working of IoT-Based Remote Agriculture Automation System for Smart Farming :

The IoT-Based Remote Agriculture Automation System for Smart Farming is a sophisticated integration of multiple components designed to enhance agricultural productivity and reduce manual labor. The central component of the system is the ESP32 microcontroller, which acts as the brain of the entire setup, coordinating various sensors and actuators. Situated at the heart of the system, the ESP32 is connected to multiple devices, ensuring seamless communication and control.

Starting from the ESP32, it connects to a four-channel relay module. This relay board is responsible for controlling high-power devices such as the water pump, LED grow light panel, and exhaust fan. The relay module enables the ESP32 to switch these devices on and off based on inputs from the connected sensors and pre-programmed logic. These actuators are crucial for maintaining optimal growing conditions in the agricultural setup.

Adjacent to the ESP32 is a soil moisture sensor, which is pivotal in determining the moisture levels in the soil. This sensor transmits analog signals to one of the analog input pins of the ESP32. By continuously monitoring the soil moisture content, the ESP32 can make informed decisions about when to activate the water pump, ensuring plants receive the right amount of water to thrive without excessive wastage.

Alongside the soil moisture sensor, a DHT11 sensor is connected to the ESP32, responsible for measuring ambient temperature and humidity. These environmental parameters are vital for plant growth and health. The data collected by the DHT11 sensor allows the microcontroller to determine whether to turn the exhaust fan on or off, maintaining a favorable microclimate within the agricultural environment. Proper ventilation is essential to regulate temperatures and prevent the overheating of plants, particularly in enclosed farming setups.

Another critical component is the water flow sensor, which is used to monitor the amount of water being delivered to the plants. This sensor sends pulse signals to the ESP32, which then calculates the flow rate and total volume of water dispensed. Such monitoring ensures that the irrigation system is functioning as intended and helps in preventing both overwatering and underwatering scenarios.

The system also includes an OLED display, which serves as a local user interface, displaying real-time data such as soil moisture levels, temperature, humidity, and water flow rates. This enables users to quickly assess the status of their agricultural environment without needing to access remote applications.

In addition to local monitoring, the ESP32 is equipped with Wi-Fi capabilities, facilitating the IoT aspect of the system. It communicates with a remote server or cloud platform, transmitting data collected from the sensors and receiving control commands. This connectivity allows users to monitor and manage their farming operations from anywhere in the world through a web application or a mobile app. The remote accessibility is particularly beneficial for timely interventions and automating farming tasks based on real-time environmental data.

Powering the entire system is a step-down transformer, which converts the high-voltage AC from the main power supply into a safer, low-voltage DC suitable for operating the various electronic components. Ensuring the correct power levels are essential for the functioning and longevity of the sensors, microcontroller, and actuators.

In essence, the IoT-Based Remote Agriculture Automation System for Smart Farming represents a convergence of IoT technology and agriculture, aiming to optimize resource usage and improve crop yields. By automating key processes such as irrigation, lighting, and ventilation, the system reduces the dependency on manual labor while ensuring plants get the optimal care needed for growth and productivity. The integration of remote monitoring and control further enhances the farmer's ability to manage their crops efficiently and respond promptly to any issues, thereby fostering a more sustainable and high-performing agricultural practice.

IoT-Based Remote Agriculture Automation System for Smart Farming

Modules used to make IoT-Based Remote Agriculture Automation System for Smart Farming :

Power Supply Module

The power supply module is the backbone of the IoT-Based Remote Agriculture Automation System. It involves a transformer, a rectifier, and voltage regulators to ensure consistent voltage levels needed by the various components. The transformer steps down the 220V AC main supply to 24V AC. The rectifier then converts this AC voltage to DC voltage. Finally, voltage regulators ensure stable voltage outputs suitable for the microcontroller and sensors, typically 3.3V and 5V. This module ensures the other components are powered reliably, facilitating an uninterrupted flow of operations within the system.

Microcontroller Module

At the heart of the system lies the microcontroller (ESP8266 in this case). This module gathers data from various sensors and processes it to make decisions regarding agricultural activities. It has built-in Wi-Fi capability, allowing it to send and receive data from a remote server or smartphone application. The microcontroller reads the data from connected sensors, executes programmed algorithms based on this data, and then sends control signals to actuators like relays, light panels, and pumps. The processed data and system status can also be displayed on an LCD screen connected to the microcontroller.

Sensor Module

The sensor module is vital for monitoring environmental conditions. This project includes soil moisture sensors and a DHT11 sensor for temperature and humidity. The soil moisture sensor measures the volumetric water content in the soil and sends this data to the microcontroller. The DHT11 sensor determines the atmospheric temperature and humidity. By collecting real-time data, the sensors inform the microcontroller about the current status of the environment. This data flows continuously to help the system make informed decisions about irrigation and other agricultural interventions.

Actuator Module

The actuator module comprises components like relays, a water pump, a cooling fan, and an LED light panel. Relays act as switches controlled by the microcontroller to turn on/off the actuators. Based on sensor data, the microcontroller sends signals to these relays. For instance, if the soil moisture is below a certain threshold, the relay activates the water pump to irrigate the soil. Similarly, based on temperature readings, the fan may be switched on or off to regulate greenhouse conditions. The LED panel provides supplementary light, essential for photosynthesis, and is controlled by the microcontroller via a relay.

Display Module

The display module includes an LCD screen that provides real-time data visualization for the user. It usually interfaces with the microcontroller and displays crucial information such as soil moisture levels, temperature, and humidity readings. This immediate feedback is helpful for users to monitor the system's operation directly without needing additional devices. The microcontroller periodically updates this display with the latest readings, ensuring the data presented is current and accurate.

Communication Module

This module leverages the built-in Wi-Fi capability of the ESP8266 microcontroller to facilitate remote monitoring and control. The system connects to the internet and uses protocols like MQTT or HTTP to communicate with a cloud server or a smartphone application. Data collected from sensors is transmitted to the cloud database, where it can be accessed through a user interface. Similarly, remote commands from the user interface can be sent to control the actuators. This bidirectional communication allows for efficient and responsive management of the agricultural system from any location.

Components Used in IoT-Based Remote Agriculture Automation System for Smart Farming :

Power Supply Module

Converts 220V AC to lower voltage to supply to the circuit.

Converts AC voltage from transformer to DC voltage for circuit use.

Voltage Regulators
Regulates the DC voltage to desired levels for specific components.

Sensing Module

Soil Moisture Sensor
Measures the moisture level in the soil to determine irrigation needs.

DHT11 Sensor
Measures temperature and humidity levels for monitoring environmental conditions.

Actuation Module

Relay Module
Controls high voltage devices like water pump, fan, and light based on microcontroller signals.

Water Pump
Pumps water to the fields when irrigation is required.

Cooling Fan
Activates to cool down the environment under specific conditions.

Grow Light
Provides artificial light to crops in low light conditions.

Control Module

ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module
Enables wireless communication for remote monitoring and control.

Display Module

LCD Display
Displays real-time data like temperature, humidity, and soil moisture levels.

Other Possible Projects Using this Project Kit:

1. Smart Home Automation System

Using the components in this kit, you can create a Smart Home Automation System. This project can turn standard home devices into smart devices that can be controlled remotely over the Internet. The relay module can be used to switch household appliances on and off, the temperature and humidity sensor can provide environmental data to adjust HVAC systems, and the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module can relay commands and status updates to a central control application on a smartphone or PC. This system can also integrate with other IoT devices and platforms, providing comprehensive control over lighting, fans, and other electrical appliances, enhancing home comfort and energy efficiency.

2. Smart Irrigation System

Build a Smart Irrigation System that automates watering schedules based on soil moisture levels and weather forecasts. The soil moisture sensor can measure the current moisture content of the soil, and the data can be processed by the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module. If the soil is too dry, the relay module can activate the water pump, ensuring plants get the optimal amount of water. Additionally, using weather forecasts via the IoT network, the system can prevent watering during rain, conserving water and promoting efficient irrigation practices. This project can significantly help in reducing water consumption while ensuring the healthy growth of plants.

3. Environmental Monitoring System

With this project kit, you can create an Environmental Monitoring System to track various environmental parameters like temperature, humidity, and soil moisture. The DHT11 sensor will provide temperature and humidity data, while the soil moisture sensor will give real-time soil moisture readings. The combined data can be transmitted to a cloud platform using the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module, where it can be analyzed to monitor trends and make informed decisions. This system can be crucial for research in climate change, agricultural practices, or even for personal garden monitoring, providing essential insights into the environmental conditions in a specified location.

4. Automated Hydroponics System

Design an Automated Hydroponics System using this kit to optimize the growth conditions of plants growing in nutrient-rich water solutions instead of soil. The system can use the sensors to monitor water level, nutrient concentration, and environmental conditions like temperature and humidity. The data collected will be processed by the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module which can automate the addition of water and nutrients using the relay module to control pumps and solenoid valves. This project ensures precise control over the growing environment, leading to better plant growth rates and higher yields, and it can also minimize the need for manual intervention.

Tue, 11 Jun 2024 05:34:26 -0600 Techpacs Canada Ltd.
Color-Based Ball Sorting Machine Using Arduino for Educational Projects

✔ Price: 29,375

Color-Based Ball Sorting Machine Using Arduino for Educational Projects

The Color-Based Ball Sorting Machine is an innovative educational project designed to teach students fundamental concepts of electronics and programming using the Arduino platform. This project focuses on developing a mechanism that can automatically sort balls based on their colors using various sensors and servos. The integration of Arduino with sensors and actuators provides a comprehensive learning experience about automation, control systems, and real-time data processing, making it an excellent resource for STEM education.


  • To design and build an automated system capable of sorting balls by color.
  • To provide hands-on experience with Arduino programming and sensor integration.
  • To educate students on the principles of automation and control systems.
  • To foster understanding of real-time data processing and decision-making processes.

Key features

  • Uses Arduino microcontroller for automation and control.
  • Incorporates color sensors to detect and differentiate between various colored balls.
  • Employs servo motors to facilitate the sorting mechanism.
  • Features a user-friendly interface for easy configuration and monitoring.
  • Provides opportunities for further enhancement with additional sensors or functionalities.

Application Areas

The Color-Based Ball Sorting Machine has a wide range of application areas, particularly in educational settings. It serves as a practical tool for teaching students about robotics, automation, and electronics. The project also finds its use in demonstrating real-world applications of control systems and data processing in various engineering disciplines. Additionally, it can be used as a prototype in manufacturing industries where automated sorting systems are required to categorize objects based on color or other attributes. Overall, this project provides a hands-on learning experience and a foundation for exploring more complex automation systems.

Detailed Working of Color-Based Ball Sorting Machine Using Arduino for Educational Projects :

The Color-Based Ball Sorting Machine aims to detect and sort balls based on their colors using an Arduino board. This design involves several critical components: a transformer to step down the AC mains voltage, two capacitors to eliminate ripples from the AC signal, an Arduino board to control the servo motors, and the sensors which detect the color of the balls.

The power supply section is crucial for ensuring the Arduino board and servos receive the appropriate voltage. Initially, a step-down transformer converts the 220V AC mains voltage to a much safer 24V AC. This AC signal, however, cannot be used directly by the Arduino, which requires a DC input. Therefore, the rectifier circuit, consisting of diodes, converts the 24V AC to DC. After rectification, capacitors filter out any residual AC components to provide a steady DC output. This stable DC voltage feeds into the input of a voltage regulator, providing a consistent 5V (or other required voltage for the Arduino) to power the main control unit and servos.

Two transistors, namely 1AM1812 and 1AM8705, are used to manage the power flow from the rectified source to the Arduino and servos. These transistors act as switches, enabling or disabling power flow based on the control signals received from the Arduino. The flow of electrical energy is carefully regulated to prevent any overloading or damage to the sensitive electronic components.

Next, the Arduino board takes the central role in guiding the operations. It handles inputs from sensors designed to detect the color of each ball. The coding within the Arduino differentiates between various color signals, segregating red, green, and blue balls. Once the Arduino identifies a ball's color, it sends a signal to the associated servo motor to sort the ball into the respective color bin.

The servos are controlled via the PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) pins of the Arduino. Upon detection of a ball and identification of its color, the Arduino adjusts the PWM signal to the servos, positioning them correctly to direct the ball into the correct bin. The servos have three wires: a power line connected to the 5V DC from the voltage regulator, a ground line connected to the common ground, and a control line connected to the Arduino's PWM pin.

The journey of each ball through the sorting machine is a coordinated sequence of actions driven by the data flow from sensors to the Arduino and then to the actuators. Initially, a sensor placed at the inlet reads the ball's color as it approaches. This data is digitized and sent to the Arduino via its I/O pins. The Arduino's onboard microcontroller processes this input against predefined parameters set in its software.

Upon processing, the microcontroller determines which servo motor needs to be activated. The corresponding signal is sent to the correct servo via the PWM pin, triggering the servo to move to the precise angle necessary to divert the ball into its designated bin. The integration of hardware and software allows the system to perform real-time sorting based on the detected colors of the balls.

In conclusion, the Color-Based Ball Sorting Machine using Arduino exemplifies a well-coordinated interplay between power management, data acquisition, processing, and mechanical actuation. Each component plays a precise role in ensuring the efficient and accurate sorting of balls based on their colors. This project serves as an effective educational tool, illustrating the practical applications of electronics, programming, and mechanical systems integration.

Color-Based Ball Sorting Machine Using Arduino for Educational Projects

Modules used to make Color-Based Ball Sorting Machine Using Arduino for Educational Projects :

1. Power Supply Module

The power supply module is crucial for the overall functionality of the color-based ball sorting machine. It ensures that every component receives the appropriate voltage and current. The circuit diagram shows a transformer converting the 220V AC mains to a lower voltage, typically 24V AC. This is then rectified and filtered using diodes and capacitors to produce a steady DC voltage, which is regulated further to the required levels using linear voltage regulators like the LM7812 and LM7805 for 12V and 5V outputs respectively. The 12V may be used to power larger components like servo motors, while the regulated 5V is ideal for delicate electronics such as the Arduino and sensors.

2. Arduino Module

The Arduino module acts as the brain of the color-based ball sorting machine. It processes inputs from various sensors, decides on actions based on programming logic, and controls outputs accordingly. Here, an ESP-WROOM-32 has been used, which is a powerful and versatile board. It is connected to the power supply and various input and output components as depicted in the circuit diagram. The Arduino constantly reads data from the color sensor, determines the color of the detected ball, and accordingly sends signals to the connected servo motors to sort the ball into the suitable bin.

3. Color Sensor Module

The color sensor module is central to detecting the color of the balls used in the sorting machine. It usually comprises a sensor like TCS3200 or TCS230, which can detect various colors based on reflected light. This sensor is connected to the Arduino, and upon activation, it uses an array of photodiodes and filters to measure the intensity of red, green, and blue light reflecting off the ball. The Arduino then interprets this data to determine the ball's color and initiates corresponding actions to direct the ball to the proper sorting bin.

4. Servo Motor Module

The servo motor module is responsible for the physical movement needed to sort the balls. Servo motors (visible in the circuit diagram) receive signals from the Arduino and rotate to specific angles based on the detected ball color. Each servo might control a specific chute or pathway. For instance, if a red ball is detected, the Arduino sends a signal to a corresponding servo motor to rotate and align the chute so that the red ball falls into the designated bin. Servos are chosen for their precision and ease of control, ensuring that balls are sorted accurately.

5. Communication and Control Interface

The communication and control interface module allows for interaction with the color-based ball sorting machine. This can include buttons or switches connected to the Arduino that can start or stop the sorting process, adjust settings, or manually control sorting paths in case of troubleshooting. The ESP-WROOM-32 used here also supports Wi-Fi, enabling wireless control or monitoring via a smartphone or computer. This module ensures that users can easily manage the sorting process and receive real-time feedback on the machine’s operation.

Components Used in Color-Based Ball Sorting Machine Using Arduino for Educational Projects :

Power Supply Section

Steps down the voltage from 220V AC to 24V AC for the power requirements of the circuit.

Rectifies the AC voltage from the transformer into DC voltage.

Filters the rectified voltage to provide a smooth DC output.

Voltage Regulator (7812)
Regulates the DC voltage to a stable 12V output.

Voltage Regulator (7805)
Regulates the DC voltage to a stable 5V output.

Control Section

Acts as the brain of the project, processing inputs and controlling the sorting mechanism based on color detection.

Actuator Section

Servo Motors
These control the mechanical parts of the sorting machine, positioning the chute to direct balls based on color.

Other Possible Projects Using this Project Kit:

1. Automated Color-Based Item Sorter

Using the components from the color-based ball sorting machine project kit, an automated color-based item sorter can be created. This project would involve using the same principles of color detection and sorting, but on a wider range of items such as candies, paper pieces, or small toys. The Arduino could be programmed to recognize different colors and activate the servo motors to place items in their respective bins. This type of project can help in understanding the applications of automated sorting in industries like packaging and recycling. It also provides a fundamental understanding of how optical sensors and microcontrollers work together to achieve automation tasks.

2. Smart Trash Segregator

Leveraging the color recognition capabilities of the project kit, a smart trash segregator can be created. This project would involve designing a system that identifies and categorizes trash into different types based on color, such as plastics, papers, and metals. The Arduino board would process input from the color sensor and actuate the servos to direct trash into appropriate compartments. This project is valuable in promoting recycling and efficient waste management practices. Additionally, it serves as a practical application of automation technology in environmental conservation efforts.

3. Interactive Color-Based Gaming Console

Transform the project kit into an interactive color-based gaming console. By incorporating LEDs and a display screen, games like color memory match or reflex testing can be developed. The color sensor can be used to detect user inputs colored by LEDs or colored objects held by the player. The Arduino would control the game logic and provide instant feedback through the display and servos. This type of project offers an engaging way to learn about electronics, programming, and game design, and can serve as an educational tool to teach children about colors and patterns.

4. Automated Plant Watering System

The project kit can be adapted to create an automated plant watering system. Although this project does not directly involve color sorting, the servos and microcontroller can be repurposed for controlling valves or pumps for watering plants. Sensors for soil moisture can replace the color sensors to provide input to the Arduino, which then decides when to water the plants. This project helps in understanding the principles of home automation and IoT (Internet of Things) by maintaining plant health with minimal human intervention, making it ideal for those interested in smart gardening solutions.

Tue, 11 Jun 2024 05:56:04 -0600 Techpacs Canada Ltd.
IoT-Based Otto Ninja Bot for Interactive and Fun Learning

✔ Price: 6,125

IoT-Based Otto Ninja Bot for Interactive and Fun Learning

The IoT-Based Otto Ninja Bot is a revolutionary project aimed at making learning interactive and fun for both children and adults. This bot leverages the power of IoT to provide engaging educational experiences. The Otto Ninja Bot is equipped with several servos, sensors, and a Wi-Fi enabled microcontroller to bring a new dimension to learning environments. Its programmable nature allows for customization and scalability, making it a versatile tool for classrooms, homes, and educational institutions.


1. To create an interactive learning companion that enhances educational experiences through IoT technology.

2. To integrate programmable functionalities that can be tailored to various educational needs and curriculums.

3. To make learning enjoyable and engaging for children using robotics and interactive technologies.

4. To promote STEM education by providing a hands-on learning tool that interacts with students.

5. To facilitate remote learning by enabling interactions through IoT connectivity.

Key Features

1. Programmable using popular coding languages like Python and Blockly.

2. Equipped with multiple servos and ultrasonic sensors for interactive behaviors.

3. Wi-Fi enabled, allowing for remote control and updates.

4. Modular design, making it easy to add new features and sensors.

5. Battery-operated for portability and ease of use in various environments.

Application Areas

The IoT-Based Otto Ninja Bot is ideal for a wide range of educational settings. In classrooms, it can be used to demonstrate basic principles of robotics and coding, engaging students in an interactive manner. At home, it serves as an educational toy that fosters curiosity and learning in a fun way. Libraries and community centers can use it for workshops and events to promote STEM education. Additionally, it is a valuable tool for special education, providing a unique way to interact with students with different learning needs. The Bot's ability to connect to the internet opens up possibilities for remote education and online interactive lessons, broadening the scope of learning beyond physical classrooms.

Detailed Working of IoT-Based Otto Ninja Bot for Interactive and Fun Learning :

The IoT-based Otto Ninja Bot is an innovative and engaging project designed for fun and interactive learning, particularly for those interested in robotics and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. This project incorporates an ESP-WROOM-32 microcontroller for managing the bot’s functions and an array of components that contribute to its interactive and autonomous abilities. Let's delve into how this circuit works and the flow of data within the system.

The heart of the Otto Ninja Bot system is the ESP-WROOM-32 microcontroller. This powerful module controls all the bot’s sensors and actuators. It receives power from a 1300mAh lithium polymer (LiPo) battery, which supplies the necessary voltage and current for all components. Power distribution is key to the effective operation of the bot. The battery's positive terminal connects to the VIN pin of the microcontroller, delivering power to it, while the ground (negative) terminal establishes a common reference point for all the electronic components.

Key interfacing components include the HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor and six servo motors, which play a crucial role in the bot’s movement and interaction with its surroundings. The HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor operates by emitting ultrasonic waves through its transmitter and listens for the reflected waves through its receiver. The duration of the echo received back helps in calculating the distance to an object. The sensor's VCC and GND pins are connected to the microcontroller’s 5V and GND pins respectively, while the Trig and Echo pins are wired to specific GPIO pins for signal transmission and reception.

The ESP-WROOM-32 microcontroller processes the distance data input from the ultrasonic sensor, utilizing it to make real-time decisions for the bot's movements. These decisions are then translated into commands that actuate the servo motors. Each of the six servo motors is connected to the microcontroller’s PWM-capable GPIO pins. The servos are distributed with three on each side of the bot, providing forward, backward, and pivot movements.

Detailed functioning of the servo motor connections can be outlined as follows. Each servo motor has three connections: VCC, GND, and Signal. The VCC and GND of the motors are wired to the microcontroller’s 5V and GND pins, respectively, ensuring consistent power delivery. The Signal pins of the servos are connected to the respective PWM GPIO pins on the microcontroller. These PWM signals control the position and movement of the servo motors, thus maneuvering the bot based on the processed sensor data.

The data flow in this system is both systematic and dynamic. Initially, the ESP-WROOM-32 initializes the required peripherals and sensor by issuing a set of commands. Once powered, the ultrasonic sensor starts detecting objects and sending the distance information to the microcontroller. Based on this real-time data, complex algorithms determine the bot’s next move, which is then converted into PWM signals to control the servos. The servo motors execute these movement commands, ensuring that the bot interacts with its environment efficiently and precisely.

The interaction between the ESP-WROOM-32 microcontroller, HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, and the servo motors exemplifies an exemplary use of IoT for educational purposes. By learning how each component works and how data flow is managed in this project, students and enthusiasts can gain hands-on experience in robotics and IoT systems. This project not only provides a solid foundation in circuit building and coding but also sparks creativity and deeper interest in the fields of technology and engineering.

In summary, the Otto Ninja Bot, with its intricate yet intuitive design, operates through a harmonious interplay of power supply, sensor data processing, and actuator control. This perfectly encapsulates the essence of modern robotics and IoT, making it an excellent educational tool that is both interactive and fun. It stands as a testament to the power of integrating various technological components into a cohesive learning platform.

IoT-Based Otto Ninja Bot for Interactive and Fun Learning

Modules used to make IoT-Based Otto Ninja Bot for Interactive and Fun Learning :

Power Supply Module

The power supply module is fundamental for powering all the electronic components in the Otto Ninja Bot. The circuit diagram shows a 1300mAh battery connected to the rest of the system. This battery provides the necessary power to the ESP-WROOM-32 microcontroller and the connected components such as the servo motors and ultrasonic sensor. The positive terminal of the battery is connected to the VCC (3.3V) pin of the ESP-WROOM-32 and other VCC pins of different components, while the negative terminal is connected to the GND pin. Proper power regulation ensures that the robot operates efficiently without overheating or encountering voltage drops, maintaining stable and consistent functionality throughout its operation.

Microcontroller Module

The central control unit of the Otto Ninja Bot is the ESP-WROOM-32 microcontroller module. This module acts as the brain of the bot, processing inputs and controlling outputs. The ESP-WROOM-32 receives power from the battery and interfaces with all the other components. It executes pre-programmed instructions which determine the robot's behavior. The GPIO pins on the ESP-WROOM-32 are used to control the servo motors and read the ultrasonic sensor inputs. Through programmed logic, the microcontroller processes signals from the ultrasonic sensor to detect obstacles and commands the servo motors to act accordingly, generating movements that make the learning experience interactive and engaging.

Ultrasonic Sensor Module

The ultrasonic sensor module used here is the HC-SR04, and it plays a crucial role in the interactive aspect of the Otto Ninja Bot. The sensor emits ultrasonic waves and measures the time it takes for the echo to return. This data is sent to the ESP-WROOM-32, which calculates distances to nearby obstacles based on the echo time. The sensor has four pins: VCC, GND, Trigger, and Echo. The Trigger pin receives a signal from the ESP-WROOM-32 to emit an ultrasonic pulse, and the Echo pin sends a signal back to the ESP-WROOM-32 when the echo is received. This information allows the microcontroller to determine the distance of objects in the robot's vicinity, enabling the bot to respond interactively to its environment, such as stopping or changing direction upon detecting an obstacle.

Servo Motors Module

The Otto Ninja Bot includes multiple servo motors that are responsible for its movements. In the circuit diagram, six servo motors are connected to the ESP-WROOM-32 microcontroller. Each servo motor has three wires: VCC, GND, and Signal. The VCC and GND wires are connected to the power supply, while the Signal wires are connected to the GPIO pins on the ESP-WROOM-32. The microcontroller sends PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signals to the servos, controlling their positions. These motors drive the various movements of the bot, such as walking, dancing, or making gestures. By adjusting the duty cycle of the PWM signal, the microcontroller can precisely control the angle of each servo, creating smooth and coordinated movements that are both entertaining and educational for students learning about robotics and automation.

Components Used in IoT-Based Otto Ninja Bot for Interactive and Fun Learning :

Microcontroller Module

ESP-WROOM-32 - This is the brain of the Otto Ninja Bot. It is responsible for executing the code and controlling the entire operation of the bot, including signals to sensors and actuators.

Power Supply Module

1300mAh Battery - Provides the necessary electrical energy to power the ESP-WROOM-32 microcontroller and other components of the Otto Ninja Bot.


6 x Servo Motors - These motors are used to provide movement to different parts of the bot, enabling it to perform various actions and gestures. Each servo motor adjusts the position of a specific part of the bot based on signals from the microcontroller.


HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor - Measures the distance to objects in front of the bot. It helps in detecting obstacles and enables the bot to interact with its surroundings.

Other Possible Projects Using this Project Kit:

1. Smart Home Automation System

Using the components in the Otto Ninja Bot project kit, you can create a Smart Home Automation System. By integrating the ESP-WROOM-32 microcontroller with various sensors and actuators, you can control home appliances like lights, fans, and security systems remotely. The microcontroller’s Wi-Fi capabilities allow it to connect to the internet, enabling real-time monitoring and control via a smartphone or web application. Servo motors can control window blinds, while the ultrasonic sensor can detect motion and trigger alarms. This project not only enhances home security but also contributes to energy efficiency by managing electrical devices based on occupancy and usage patterns.

2. Obstacle-Avoiding Robot

An obstacle-avoiding robot can be created using the ESP-WROOM-32 microcontroller and the ultrasonic sensor from the Otto Ninja Bot kit. By programming the microcontroller to process input from the ultrasonic sensor, the robot can detect and navigate around obstacles in its path. The servo motors will act as the robot’s joints, enabling it to move forward, backward, and turn in various directions. This project is an excellent introduction to robotics and sensor integration, demonstrating basic principles of autonomous navigation and real-time processing.

3. Voice-Controlled Robot

With the inclusion of a voice recognition module, the project kit can be used to build a voice-controlled robot. By connecting the ESP-WROOM-32 microcontroller to the voice module and integrating it with the servo motors, you can create a robot that responds to voice commands. For instance, users can instruct the robot to move in specific directions, perform tasks, or even express emotions through predefined movements. This project is an engaging way to showcase the interaction between voice recognition technology and robotics, making it a perfect educational tool for learning about advanced communication interfaces.

4. Remote-Controlled Robotic Arm

The components from the Otto Ninja Bot kit can be repurposed to create a remote-controlled robotic arm. Utilizing the ESP-WROOM-32 microcontroller for connectivity and servo motors for articulation, this project involves building a robotic arm that can be controlled remotely using a smartphone or computer. The robotic arm can mimic human hand movements, making it useful for tasks that require precision and repeatability, such as picking and placing objects, or even simple writing and drawing tasks. This project combines aspects of mechanical design and IoT, providing practical insights into automation and remote operations.

Tue, 11 Jun 2024 06:58:33 -0600 Techpacs Canada Ltd.
ESP32-Powered Spider Robot for Robotics Learning

✔ Price: 6,500

ESP32-Powered Spider Robot for Robotics Learning

This project, titled "ESP32-Powered Spider Robot for Robotics Learning," is an educational venture aimed at introducing students and enthusiasts to the fascinating world of robotics. By leveraging the capabilities of the versatile ESP32 microcontroller, this spider robot offers a hands-on learning experience in electronics, programming, and mechanical design. The project entails designing and programming a six-legged robot that can autonomously navigate its environment, offering functionalities such as obstacle detection and avoidance. Through this project, users can gain valuable skills in the integration of hardware and software, opening doors to more advanced robotics concepts and applications.


To develop a six-legged spider robot using the ESP32 microcontroller.

To program the robot for autonomous navigation, including obstacle detection and avoidance.

To provide a comprehensive learning experience in electronics, robotics, and programming.

To encourage experimentation and innovation in robotic design and functionality.

To demonstrate the practical applications of microcontrollers in robotics.

Key Features

1. Utilizes the powerful and versatile ESP32 microcontroller.

2. Integrates multiple servo motors for precise leg movements and walking patterns.

3. Equipped with ultrasonic sensors for obstacle detection and navigation.

4. Code is open-source, allowing for customization and further development.

5. Offers a modular design, making it easy to assemble and modify.

Application Areas

The ESP32-Powered Spider Robot serves as an excellent educational tool for robotics and STEM learning, making it ideal for use in schools, colleges, and maker spaces. It provides an engaging platform for students to explore robotics concepts in a hands-on manner. Additionally, hobbyists and robotics enthusiasts can utilize this project to enhance their understanding and skills in electronic design, programming, and mechanical engineering. Research laboratories can also adopt this project to experiment with autonomous systems and sensor integration, contributing to advancements in robotics and automation. Furthermore, the project can inspire innovations in small-scale robotic applications, including surveillance, environmental monitoring, and search and rescue missions.

Detailed Working of ESP32-Powered Spider Robot for Robotics Learning:

The ESP32-powered spider robot is an intricate yet fascinating assembly designed to provide an engaging robotics learning experience. At the core of this robot lies the powerful ESP32 microcontroller, renowned for its remarkable processing capabilities and Bluetooth/Wi-Fi connectivity. Encircling the ESP32 are numerous components that work in harmony to bring this spider robot to life, facilitating precise movements and environmental awareness.

The ESP32 microcontroller is the brain of the spider robot. It orchestrates all operations by sending and receiving signals to and from various components. A rechargeable 1300mAh battery supplies power to the entire setup, ensuring all connected devices run smoothly without interruptions. The power from the battery is meticulously distributed to the servo motors and the ultrasonic sensor module through the ESP32.

Eight servo motors are strategically positioned on either side of the ESP32, mimicking the legs of a spider. Each servo motor receives power and control signals from the ESP32 via dedicated wires. These control signals dictate the precise movements of the servos, allowing the spider robot to perform complex walking and turning motions. The servos convert electrical commands into mechanical movements, enabling the robot to traverse various terrains.

Crucial to the robot’s ability to navigate its environment is the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor module. Positioned at the front of the ESP32, this module actively monitors the surroundings by emitting ultrasonic sound waves and measuring the time it takes for the echoes to return. The sensor sends data regarding distances to nearby objects back to the ESP32, which then processes this information to make real-time decisions. These decisions often involve altering the robot's path to avoid obstacles, ensuring smooth navigation.

As the robot operates, sensory data flows seamlessly into the ESP32. This microcontroller is programmed to analyze the data, draw conclusions about the robot's current state, and issue commands to the servo motors accordingly. For instance, if the ultrasonic sensor detects an obstacle too close to the robot, the ESP32 will signal the relevant servos to change the position of the legs, steering the robot away from the threat. This process is continually repeated, enabling the robot to adjust dynamically as it moves.

Furthermore, the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities of the ESP32 enhance the robot’s interactivity. Users can connect to the robot via a smartphone or computer to send commands or update the robot’s firmware. This connectivity allows for remote control and monitoring, adding an exciting layer of interaction to the learning process. Real-time data transmission and command execution make the robot highly responsive and adaptable to user inputs.

Programming the ESP32 forms the essence of the robot's functionality. Utilizing environments such as the Arduino IDE or ESP-IDF, users can write code that governs the robot’s behaviors. The code dictates how the robot reacts to sensor data, how the servos move, and how the robot navigates its environment. This aspect of the project provides invaluable hands-on experience with coding, debugging, and iterative testing, which are all crucial skills in robotics and software development.

In summary, the ESP32-powered spider robot amalgamates sophisticated hardware components with advanced software programming to create an extraordinary learning tool. The ESP32 microcontroller serves as the central hub, managing power distribution and data flow. Servo motors and an ultrasonic sensor module animate the robot, giving it the ability to move like a spider and perceive its environment. The integration of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity facilitates remote interaction, while programming the ESP32 leads to a deeper understanding of robotics principles. This project kit embodies a comprehensive educational experience, blending theory with practical application in the realm of robotics.

ESP32-Powered Spider Robot for Robotics Learning

Modules used to make ESP32-Powered Spider Robot for Robotics Learning :

1. Power Supply Module

The power supply module is a critical component of the ESP32-powered spider robot. This module typically includes a battery pack, in this case, a 1300mAh Li-ion battery, providing the necessary electrical power to all the components. The battery is connected in such a way that it can supply power to both the ESP32 microcontroller and the servo motors. The wiring from the battery connects to the power input pins of the ESP32 and distributes power through a common ground. Proper voltage regulation ensures that delicate electronic components like the ESP32 receive a stable power supply, avoiding potential damage from voltage spikes or drops. This module guarantees the spider robot has a consistent and reliable energy source during its operation.

2. ESP32 Microcontroller Module

The ESP32 microcontroller serves as the brain of the spider robot. It processes inputs from the sensors and sends control signals to the actuators, primarily the servo motors. The microcontroller is programmed to handle complex tasks such as walking gait algorithms and obstacle avoidance. The ESP32 connects to the ultrasonic sensor and multiple servo motors via its input/output (I/O) pins. Through its onboard Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities, it can also be programmed remotely or controlled via a smartphone application. The ESP32 continuously collects data from the sensors, processes this information, and generates appropriate outputs to control the movement and behavior of the spider robot.

3. Ultrasonic Sensor Module

The ultrasonic sensor is used for detecting obstacles in the environment. It sends out ultrasonic waves and measures the time taken for the waves to bounce back from an object. This time data is used to compute the distance to the object. The sensor is connected to the ESP32 microcontroller, which reads the distance data via its I/O pins. The ESP32 processes this data and, based on the results, can decide to change the direction or gait of the robot to avoid a collision. This module enables the spider robot to navigate autonomously in its surroundings, adjusting its path as necessary to avoid obstacles.

4. Servo Motor Module

Servo motors are used to actuate the legs of the spider robot, allowing it to walk and maneuver. Each leg of the robot is typically controlled by two or more servo motors, providing multiple degrees of freedom for complex movement. The servo motors are connected to the ESP32 microcontroller, which sends pulses to control their position. By carefully timing these pulses, the microcontroller can precisely adjust the angle of each servo motor. The coordination of all the servo motors enables the spider robot to perform walking patterns and other movements necessary for navigating its environment. This module is essential for the mechanical functionality and mobility of the spider robot.

5. Control and Communication Module

The control and communication module encompasses methods for controlling the robot and exchanging data. Using the ESP32’s Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities, the spider robot can receive commands from a remote control application or transmit telemetry data back to a user interface. This module allows for real-time adjustments and control, making the robot more interactive and easier to manage. The communication module also enables programming and debugging over a wireless network, allowing for easy updates and modifications to the robot’s programming without physical connection. This enhances flexibility and the ability to implement complex behaviors and interactions for the spider robot.

Components Used in ESP32-Powered Spider Robot for Robotics Learning :

Power Module

Battery: 1300mAh Li-Po Battery
Provides power to the entire circuit. It is connected to the ESP32 board and servo motors, ensuring the robot operates autonomously.

Control Module

ESP32 Board
Acts as the brain of the robot. It controls the servo motors and processes data from the sensors to navigate and perform tasks.

Actuation Module

Servo Motors x 8
These motors control the movement of the robot's legs, allowing it to walk and perform motions necessary for movement.

Sensing Module

HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
Used for obstacle detection. It helps the robot navigate by measuring the distance to objects in its path.

Other Possible Projects Using this Project Kit:

1. ESP32-Powered Biped Robot:

Utilize the same servo motors and ESP32 microcontroller from the spider robot project to build a biped robot. By reconfiguring the servos to mimic human leg movements, you can create a walking bipedal robot. This project will require programming the ESP32 to control the servos in a synchronized manner to achieve the walking motion, taking into account balance and coordination. An additional sensor like an MPU-6050 (accelerometer and gyroscope) could be added to improve balance control, making the robot more stable and adaptive to varying terrains.

2. Autonomous Obstacle-Avoiding Robot Car:

Using the ESP32, HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, and a set of DC motors instead of servos, create an autonomous car that can navigate around obstacles. The ultrasonic sensor will provide distance measurements to the ESP32, which will process the data and command the motors to steer the car around obstacles. This project will emphasize the use of sensor data for making real-time navigation decisions, teaching concepts of autonomous driving and sensor integration.

3. ESP32-Controlled Robotic Arm:

By reconfiguring the servos to create joints of a robotic arm, you can build a programmable robotic arm. The ESP32 will control the servos to perform precise movements, allowing the robotic arm to pick and place objects, draw, or perform assembly tasks. Adding a web server on the ESP32 will enable wireless control via a web interface, enhancing user interaction with the robotic arm and providing hands-on experience with IoT and robotics integration.

4. Voice-Controlled Home Automation System:

Leverage the ESP32's Wi-Fi capabilities to create a voice-controlled home automation system. Integrate the ESP32 with Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa to control household appliances such as lights, fans, and curtains using voice commands. By combining relays with the existing kit components, the ESP32 can receive commands via Wi-Fi and control electrical devices, making this project an excellent introduction to smart home technologies and IoT applications.

5. Interactive Light and Sound Show:

Create an interactive light and sound display using the ESP32, servos, and additional components like RGB LEDs and a speaker. Program the ESP32 to control the LEDs and servos in synchronization with music, creating a visual and auditory experience. This project will involve programming skills to synchronize multiple outputs and can be extended to include user interaction through a mobile app or physical buttons, providing a fun and engaging learning experience in electronics and programming.

Tue, 11 Jun 2024 06:29:32 -0600 Techpacs Canada Ltd.
Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring System Using ESP32 and TDS Sensor

✔ Price: 25,000

Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring System Using ESP32 and TDS Sensor

The Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring System is designed to leverage the power of the ESP32 microcontroller along with a Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) sensor to continuously monitor the quality of water. The goal of this project is to provide a smart and efficient way to measure various water quality parameters and make the data available in real-time. This system can be particularly useful for applications where water purity is critical, such as in drinking water supplies, aquariums, and industrial processes. By integrating an ESP32 along with IoT capabilities, users will be able to remotely access water quality data and take timely actions if any deviations from the desired levels are detected.


1. To design and implement a real-time water quality monitoring system using ESP32 and TDS sensor.
2. To enable remote monitoring of water quality parameters via IoT.
3. To provide real-time data on water purity levels through a display interface.
4. To ensure the system is cost-effective, reliable, and easy to deploy.
5. To offer timely alerts and notifications when water quality deviates from acceptable standards.

Key Features

1. Real-time monitoring of TDS levels in water.
2. Utilizes ESP32 for better processing power and built-in WiFi capability.
3. LCD display to show real-time water quality readings.
4. IoT integration for remote monitoring and data logging.
5. Alert system to notify users via alarms or notifications for poor water quality.

Application Areas

The Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring System has a wide range of application areas. It can be employed in residential settings to ensure the safety of drinking water. Aquariums can benefit from constant water quality monitoring to provide a healthy environment for aquatic life. Industrial processes that require stringent water quality standards can utilize this system to maintain compliance and ensure operational efficiency. Furthermore, in agricultural settings, this system can be used to monitor the quality of water used for irrigation, ensuring it meets the necessary purity standards to promote healthy crop growth. The system’s ability to provide real-time data and remote accessibility makes it suitable for a diverse range of practical applications where water quality is a vital consideration.

Detailed Working of Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring System Using ESP32 and TDS Sensor :

The Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring System Using ESP32 and TDS Sensor is designed to analyze the quality of water by measuring Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and other parameters. The core of this system is the ESP32 microcontroller, which processes data from various sensors and communicates with the display unit as well as potentially the internet for real-time monitoring.

Starting with the power supply, the circuit is connected to a 220V AC source which is stepped down to 24V using a 24V transformer. This is vital as the system components require different voltage levels. The high-voltage AC is transformed and rectified to provide a stable DC power supply for the entire circuit operation. The rectified voltage is stabilized using filtering capacitors to ensure a smooth DC output.

The heart of the system, the ESP32 microcontroller, is powered by the regulated power supply and acts as the central processing unit. The ESP32 is revered for its low power consumption and built-in WiFi and Bluetooth capabilities, making it ideal for IoT applications like this. Connected to the ESP32 are several key sensors and modules that measure different water quality parameters. The TDS sensor, in particular, measures the total dissolved solids in the water, which is a key indicator of water quality.

The flow sensor, another critical component, is connected to one of the ESP32’s GPIO pins. It measures the rate of water flow, which is essential for ensuring accurate and real-time data collection. This sensor sends pulse signals to the ESP32, which are then interpreted to calculate the flow rate. Each pulse corresponds to a specific volume of water passing through the sensor, and the ESP32 processes this pulse train to determine the flow rate accurately.

To enhance the accuracy and reliability of the measurements, the system incorporates temperature sensors like the LM35 and any other needed sensors for various parameters. The LM35 sensor, connected to an analog input of the ESP32, provides temperature readings which are necessary for calibrating the TDS sensor measurements. As TDS values can vary significantly with temperature changes, this calibration ensures that the data collected is accurate regardless of environmental conditions.

The derivate data from these sensors is processed by the ESP32, and the real-time values are displayed on an LCD screen connected to the microcontroller. This screen provides a user-friendly interface to show critical parameters like TDS levels, temperature, and flow rates. This immediate feedback is crucial for monitoring conditions and ensures prompt awareness of water quality.

Additionally, the buzzer connected to the ESP32 serves as an alarm system, alerting users if water quality parameters go beyond safe thresholds. This auditory alert ensures that immediate action can be taken to address any issues detected by the system, thus providing an additional layer of safety.

The relay module in the circuit can control an external device such as a water pump. Depending on the parameters measured by the sensors, the ESP32 can activate or deactivate the relay, thus controlling the water flow. This automation ensures that water quality is maintained without manual intervention, enhancing the system's efficiency and reliability.

In conclusion, the Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring System Using ESP32 and TDS Sensor is a sophisticated, multi-sensor framework designed to monitor and maintain water quality in real-time. With the integration of various sensors, the ESP32 microcontroller, and modules like the LCD display and flow sensor, the system provides comprehensive oversight of water conditions. This makes it an invaluable tool for ensuring safe water quality in various applications, from domestic water supplies to industrial processes.

Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring System Using ESP32 and TDS Sensor

Modules used to make Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring System Using ESP32 and TDS Sensor :

Power Supply Module

The Power Supply Module is crucial because it provides the necessary electrical power to all the components in the system. Starting with an external 220V AC source, the power is stepped down to 24V using a transformer. This voltage is then regulated using rectifiers and capacitors to ensure a steady DC output. Certain components such as the water pump require higher voltage (24V), while the ESP32, sensors, and other electronic modules typically require 3.3V or 5V. Therefore, voltage regulators or DC-DC converters are used to step down the voltage to the required levels. Proper power distribution ensures that every component operates reliably and efficiently.

Microcontroller Module (ESP32)

The ESP32 Microcontroller Module acts as the brain of the system. It receives data inputs from various sensors such as the TDS sensor and the ultrasonic sensor. The ESP32 processes these inputs and makes decisions based on the program uploaded to it. Additionally, the microcontroller handles communication functions. It can send data to a server or cloud platform in real-time for remote monitoring through Wi-Fi. The ESP32 also controls actuators, such as the relay for the water pump, based on sensor data. This module is essential for achieving real-time monitoring and control in the system.

Water Flow and Pump Control Module

The Water Flow and Pump Control Module consists of a water flow sensor and a relay module to control the water pump. The water flow sensor measures the rate at which water flows through the system and provides real-time data to the ESP32. The relay module, connected to the ESP32, controls the water pump. Based on the flow rate and water quality data received from the TDS sensor, the microcontroller can turn the water pump on or off by triggering the relay. This ensures efficient water usage and prevents pump damage or ineffective operation due to poor water quality.

Sensor Module (TDS Sensor and Ultrasonic Sensor)

The Sensor Module includes the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) sensor and the Ultrasonic sensor. The TDS sensor is critical for measuring the concentration of dissolved solids in the water, which is essential for assessing the water quality. This sensor outputs an analog signal corresponding to the TDS value, which is then read by the analog input pin of the ESP32. Meanwhile, the Ultrasonic sensor measures the water level or distance by emitting ultrasonic waves and measuring the time it takes for the echo to return. This data helps in detecting water levels and prevents overflow, providing another dimension of monitoring.

Display Module

The Display Module generally uses an LCD to present real-time data to the user. This LCD is connected to the microcontroller and displays various information such as TDS levels, water flow rate, and system status updates. This module is crucial for on-site monitoring and diagnostics, providing immediate feedback and allowing users to take prompt actions if necessary. The ESP32 sends data continuously to the display, making it an interactive and user-friendly interface for the system.

Components Used in Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring System Using ESP32 and TDS Sensor :

Microcontroller Module

The ESP32 microcontroller is the brain of the system. It handles data collection, processing, and communication with other components.

Sensor Module

TDS Sensor
The TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) sensor measures the concentration of dissolved substances in the water, providing data on water quality.

Flow Sensor
The flow sensor detects the flow rate of the water, ensuring accurate measurement of water usage and quality checks.

Power Module

The transformer reduces high voltage AC power to a lower voltage suitable for the system’s components.

Voltage Regulator
The voltage regulator ensures that a constant and stable voltage is supplied to the electronic components, protecting them from fluctuations.

Display Module

LCD Display
The LCD display shows real-time data from the sensors, allowing users to monitor water quality directly.

Communication Module

The buzzer alerts users to abnormalities in water quality or system status through sound signals.

Relay Module

Relay Module
The relay module controls the switching of high-power devices or circuits using a low-power signal from the ESP32.


The transistors amplify and switch electronic signals, playing a crucial role in controlling the power and sensors.

Voltage Dividers
Voltage dividers are used to generate reference voltages and scale down voltages for accurate sensor readings and protection.

Other Possible Projects Using this Project Kit:

1. Smart Irrigation System

Using the core components of ESP32 and the water flow sensor from the water quality monitoring project, you can build a smart irrigation system. The system will monitor soil moisture levels using additional soil moisture sensors and regulate water supply to plants. The ESP32 can be programmed to automatically control the water pump via a relay module, ensuring plants receive adequate water without wastage. A companion mobile application can be designed to remotely monitor and control the irrigation system, providing real-time data on soil moisture and water usage. This project can greatly enhance agricultural efficiency, minimize water usage, and ensure optimal plant growth.

2. Home Automation System

The components from the real-time water quality monitoring system, particularly the ESP32 and relay modules, can be repurposed to create a home automation system. The ESP32 microcontroller can be connected to various home appliances such as lights, fans, and air conditioning units, using the relay modules to control their power states. Sensors like temperature and humidity sensors can also be integrated to make the system more responsive to environmental changes. The entire system can be managed through an intuitive mobile application, enabling users to control home devices remotely, enhance energy efficiency, and improve overall living convenience.

3. Smart Water Dispenser

Transforming the real-time water quality monitoring system into a smart water dispenser project is a creative adaptation. By incorporating the existing water quality sensor, ESP32, and relay modules, the smart water dispenser can monitor the quality of water in real-time before dispensing it. The system can be programmed to only allow the water to be dispensed if it meets certain quality standards. An LCD display can be used to show the real-time water quality metrics to the user, ensuring clarity on the water’s safety and purity. This project can provide a safer drinking water solution, adding an extra layer of quality assurance compared to traditional water dispensers.

Tue, 11 Jun 2024 06:35:58 -0600 Techpacs Canada Ltd.
ESP32-Powered Hungry Robot for Educational Robotics

✔ Price: 3,625

ESP32-Powered Hungry Robot for Educational Robotics

The ESP32-Powered Hungry Robot project serves as an engaging and instructive platform for students and hobbyists to explore the fundamentals of robotics. Leveraging the versatile ESP32 microcontroller, this robot is designed to exhibit simple, interactive behaviors such as moving towards objects. This project combines elements of electronics, programming, and mechanical design to create an educational tool that can demonstrate basic principles of robotics, such as sensor integration and actuator control. By building this robot, users can gain hands-on experience with essential concepts in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education.


- To provide a practical project for learning robotics and programming using the ESP32 microcontroller.
- To demonstrate how sensors and actuators can be integrated to create interactive robotic behaviors.
- To engage students in hands-on STEM activities that foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
- To encourage creativity by allowing users to customize and expand the robot's functionalities.
- To utilize affordable and accessible components for wide-reaching educational applications.

Key Features

- **ESP32 Microcontroller:** Utilizes the powerful and versatile ESP32 for wireless communication and control.
- **Infrared Sensor Integration:** Uses an infrared sensor for object detection and obstacle avoidance.
- **Servo Motor Control:** Employs a servo motor for precise movement and positioning.
- **Battery-Powered:** Operates on a rechargeable lithium-ion battery, enhancing portability.
- **Educational Focus:** Designed to be an approachable project for learning basic robotics and programming concepts.
- **Expansion Capabilities:** Offers flexibility for adding new features and sensors for more complex projects.

Application Areas

The ESP32-Powered Hungry Robot project finds application in a variety of educational contexts. In schools, it can be used within robotics clubs or as part of a STEM curriculum to provide students with hands-on learning experiences. Universities can incorporate the project into introductory robotics courses or workshops aimed at demonstrating practical electronics and programming skills. For hobbyists and makerspaces, the project serves as an ideal entry point into the world of DIY robotics. The modular nature of the design also allows for further experimentation and customization, making it a versatile tool for fostering innovation and creativity within the maker community.

Detailed Working of ESP32-Powered Hungry Robot for Educational Robotics :

The ESP32-Powered Hungry Robot project is a fascinating endeavor designed for educational purposes, blending hardware and software elements to create an interactive robotic system. Central to this project is the ESP32 microcontroller module, which serves as the brain of the robot. The ESP32 microcontroller is renowned for its powerful processing capabilities and versatile connectivity options, making it an ideal choice for educational robotics projects.

Starting from the power supply, the circuit utilizes a 3.7V Lithium-ion battery with an 850mAh capacity to power the entire system. This battery is connected to the VIN and GND pins of the ESP32, providing the necessary voltage for the microcontroller to function. The ground (GND) connection ensures a common reference voltage for all components in the circuit, facilitating seamless communication and functionality.

A crucial part of this project is the infrared (IR) sensor module connected to the ESP32. The IR sensor is equipped with an emitter and a receiver that work together to detect objects in front of the robot. The sensor module receives power from the ESP32's 3.3V pin and is grounded through the GND pin. The output of the IR sensor is connected to one of the general-purpose input/output (GPIO) pins on the ESP32, enabling the microcontroller to read the sensor data.

When an object is detected by the IR sensor, it sends a high signal to the connected GPIO pin on the ESP32. This signal is then processed by the microcontroller, triggering a predefined response, which in this case involves moving a servo motor. The servo motor is a small electromechanical device that can rotate to a specific angle based on the input signal it receives. The servo motor has three connections: power, ground, and signal. It is powered by connecting its VCC and GND pins to the 5V and GND pins of the ESP32, respectively, and the signal pin is connected to another GPIO pin of the ESP32.

Upon receiving the trigger signal from the IR sensor, the ESP32 processes it and sends a control signal to the servo motor through the connected GPIO pin. This control signal instructs the servo motor to rotate to a designated angle, simulating a "feeding" action by the robot. This movement is designed to mimic the motion of providing food, much like feeding a hungry pet. The precise control of the servo motor's position is achieved through pulse-width modulation (PWM), a technique commonly used to control the angle of rotation in servo motors.

Overall, the ESP32 microcontroller plays a pivotal role in this project by orchestrating the interactions between the various components. It reads sensor data from the IR sensor, processes this data in real-time, and generates appropriate control signals to drive the servo motor. This feedback loop enables the robot to interact with its environment in a responsive manner, demonstrating core principles of robotics such as sensing, processing, and actuation.

Additionally, the ESP32’s built-in wireless communication capabilities open the door for further enhancements, such as remote control via a smartphone app or integration with other smart devices. This scalability makes the ESP32-Powered Hungry Robot an excellent platform for educational purposes, providing students with hands-on experience in both hardware connections and software programming.

In conclusion, the ESP32-Powered Hungry Robot for Educational Robotics is a compelling project that merges hardware and software to create an interactive robot. The ESP32 microcontroller, with its versatile capabilities, serves as the cornerstone of this project, enabling the robot to sense its environment, process data, and actuate movements in a coordinated fashion. This project not only provides invaluable learning opportunities in robotics and programming but also sparks curiosity and inspires innovation in the realm of educational robotics.

ESP32-Powered Hungry Robot for Educational Robotics

Modules used to make ESP32-Powered Hungry Robot for Educational Robotics:

1. Power Supply Module

The power supply module for this project is facilitated by a Polymer Lithium Ion battery rated at 3.7V and 850mAh. This battery provides the necessary electrical energy to power all components of the circuit. The positive terminal of the battery is connected to the VIN pin of the ESP32, while the ground terminal is connected to the GND pin. This connection ensures that the ESP32 microcontroller is adequately powered. Additionally, the voltage supplied by the battery is within the safe operating range for the ESP32, ensuring stable operation. Ensuring a stable power supply is critical for the continuous and reliable function of the robot.

2. ESP32 Microcontroller Module

The ESP32 microcontroller acts as the brain of the project, interfacing with all peripheral components. It receives power from the connected battery, which allows it to execute its main functions. The microcontroller is responsible for executing the control logic, processing sensor inputs, and driving outputs to actuating devices. The ESP32 captures signals from the IR sensor and processes these signals to determine if an object (depicting food) is detected in front of the robot. After processing the sensor data, it decides whether to activate the servo motor to simulate the "hungry" behavior of the robot. Additionally, the ESP32 can be programmed and monitored via its USB interface.

3. Infrared (IR) Sensor Module

The infrared (IR) sensor module is connected to the ESP32 and serves to detect the presence of objects in front of the robot. It consists of an IR LED that emits infrared light and a photodiode that detects reflected IR light from objects. The IR sensor’s VCC and GND are connected to the 3.3V and GND pins of the ESP32 respectively, while the output pin of the sensor is connected to a GPIO pin of the ESP32. When an object is within the proximity range, the IR sensor will output a signal to the ESP32. The microcontroller then evaluates this signal to determine the appropriate action – in this case, whether to "eat" by activating the servo motor.

4. Servo Motor Module

The servo motor module creates the physical action that represents the robot's "eating" behavior. The servo motor receives control signals from the ESP32, where its control line is connected to a specific GPIO pin of the ESP32. The motor also requires power, so its VCC and GND lines are connected to the ESP32’s 3.3V and GND pins, respectively. Upon receiving a signal from the IR sensor indicating that an object is detected, the ESP32 sends a PWM signal to the servo motor to rotate it to a specific angle. This movement simulates the robot opening and closing its mouth, thereby interacting with the detected object. The precise control of the servo motor through the ESP32’s PWM ensures smooth and accurate motion every time an object is detected.

Components Used in ESP32-Powered Hungry Robot for Educational Robotics :

Power Supply Module

Polymer Lithium Ion Battery (3.7V, 850mAh): Provides the necessary power to the entire circuit and ensures the ESP32 and other components can operate independently without external power sources.

Microcontroller Unit

ESP32-WROOM-32: This is the main brain of the project, handling all processing tasks, executing the code, and managing communications with sensors and actuators.

Sensor Module

Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor: Detects obstacles in front of the robot, allowing it to navigate its environment by sending signals to the ESP32, which then makes decisions based on these inputs.

Actuator Module

Servo Motor: This component is used to create movement in the robot, such as controlling its arms or other movable parts, based on commands received from the ESP32.

Other Possible Projects Using this Project Kit:

1. Smart Home Automation System

Using the ESP32 microcontroller, you can create a smart home automation system that allows users to control various home appliances remotely. By integrating Wi-Fi connectivity, the ESP32 module can communicate with a smartphone or a home Wi-Fi network. Connect sensors to monitor conditions such as temperature, humidity, or movement. This project can include functionalities like turning lights on/off, adjusting the thermostat, or triggering alarms based on sensor inputs, all controlled through a mobile app or voice commands. The addition of a servo motor can help in physically interacting with switches or dials in the home environment.

2. Internet of Things (IoT) Weather Station

Convert the ESP32 microcontroller into an IoT weather station to monitor and report weather conditions in real-time. Attach sensors such as temperature, humidity, and pressure sensors to gather data. This data can then be sent to a cloud-based platform using the ESP32's Wi-Fi capability for storage and analysis. Display the collected data on a mobile application or a web interface, making it accessible from anywhere. This project is beneficial for learning about IoT, data acquisition, and cloud computing, providing a practical application of these technologies in monitoring environmental conditions.

3. Automated Plant Watering System

Create an automated plant watering system using the ESP32 microcontroller to take care of your plants even when you are not around. Integrate a soil moisture sensor to determine the moisture level of the soil. When the soil moisture falls below a certain threshold, the ESP32 can activate a water pump controlled by a relay, watering the plants automatically. This project can also be extended to monitor and report the soil moisture level through a mobile app, giving users real-time updates and remote control over the watering process.

4. Remote-Controlled Car

Use the ESP32 to build a remote-controlled car that can be maneuvered using a smartphone over Wi-Fi. The ESP32 can control multiple servo motors to steer and drive the car, and other sensors can be added to avoid obstacles or follow predefined paths. By using a mobile app or a web interface, you can control the car's movement, making it a fun and interactive project. Additionally, a camera module can be added to the car to provide a live video feed, enhancing the remote control experience and providing a visual guide for navigation.

5. Smart Pet Feeder

Develop a smart pet feeder using the ESP32 microcontroller to automate the process of feeding your pets. Attach a servo motor to the dispenser mechanism that releases food at scheduled times or on-demand via a mobile application. Using the ESP32's internet connectivity, you can control the feeder remotely, ensuring your pet is fed on time even if you are not at home. Additional features can include monitoring the amount of food dispensed and alerting the user when the food supply is running low, creating a convenient and reliable feeding solution for pet owners.

Tue, 11 Jun 2024 06:46:10 -0600 Techpacs Canada Ltd.
Real-time Parking Slot Monitoring with AI & Deep Learning

✔ Price: 19,375

Real-time Parking Slot Monitoring with AI & Deep Learning

The "Real-time Parking Slot Monitoring with AI & Deep Learning" project is designed to streamline the process of monitoring parking spaces using advanced AI and deep learning techniques. This system allows users to create and manage parking slots interactively, detect vehicle presence in real-time, and provide valuable information on parking availability. By utilizing image processing and computer vision, the system enhances parking management efficiency and user experience.


The primary objectives of the project are as follows:

  1. Interactive Slot Creation and Management:

    • To enable users to define, customize, and manage parking slots in a flexible manner. This is done through an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) where users can draw and delete slots with mouse clicks.
    • The goal is to provide a system that adapts to different parking layouts and configurations, making it suitable for various parking environments.
  2. Real-Time Vehicle Detection:

    • To implement a robust mechanism for detecting the presence of vehicles in each parking slot using AI and image processing techniques. This ensures that the system provides accurate, real-time updates on slot occupancy.
    • The detection process must be efficient enough to handle live video feeds, enabling continuous monitoring without significant delays.
  3. Visual Feedback and User Interaction:

    • To deliver instant visual feedback on the status of each parking slot. Occupied slots are highlighted in red, while vacant slots are shown in green. This color-coding helps users quickly assess parking availability.
    • The system also provides additional information, such as the total number of available parking spaces and the location of the nearest available slot relative to the entry point.
  4. Optimization of Parking Management:

    • To assist parking facility managers in optimizing the use of parking spaces. By providing real-time data on slot occupancy, the system helps in better space management and reduces the time spent by drivers searching for parking.

Key Features

  • Interactive Slot Management:
    • Users can define parking slots by simply drawing them on the interface with a left-click. If any adjustments are needed, slots can be removed or redefined using a right-click. This feature allows for easy customization of parking layouts according to the specific needs of the facility.
  • Real-Time Occupancy Detection:
    • The system constantly monitors the defined slots by analyzing the video feed. Each slot is processed individually to determine whether it is occupied or vacant. This detection is performed using a combination of image processing techniques, ensuring that updates are provided in real-time.
  • Color-Coded Slot Status:
    • The occupancy status of each slot is visually represented on the interface. Occupied slots are marked in red, signaling that they are unavailable, while vacant slots are marked in green, indicating that they are free. This color-coding system makes it easy for users to quickly understand the parking situation.
  • Additional Information Display:
    • Beyond just showing the occupancy status, the system also provides helpful information such as the total number of parking slots, the number of available slots, and the nearest available slot to the entry point. This helps drivers and parking managers make informed decisions.
  • Support for Multiple Parking Areas:
    • The system is designed to manage multiple parking areas, each with up to 10 slots. Each slot is uniquely identified by an ID, allowing for precise tracking and management. This feature is particularly useful for large facilities with multiple parking zones.

Application Areas

This AI-powered parking monitoring system is versatile and can be applied in a wide range of environments, including:

  • Commercial Parking Lots:

    • Ideal for shopping malls, office complexes, airports, and other commercial facilities where efficient parking management is crucial for customer satisfaction. The system helps reduce the time drivers spend searching for parking, thereby improving the overall experience.
  • Residential Complexes:

    • Useful in residential areas to manage parking spaces for both residents and visitors. By providing real-time updates on parking availability, the system can help prevent disputes and optimize space utilization.
  • Public Parking Facilities:

    • Applicable in public parking garages and lots, particularly in urban areas where parking demand is high. The system can help reduce congestion and improve traffic flow by directing drivers to available spaces quickly.
  • Event Venues:

    • Beneficial for managing parking during large events such as concerts, sports games, or festivals. The system ensures that attendees can find parking efficiently, reducing the likelihood of traffic jams and enhancing the event experience.

Detailed Working of Real-time Parking Slot Monitoring with AI & Deep Learning

The system's operation can be broken down into the following key stages:

  1. Slot Creation:

    • User Interaction: The user starts by defining the parking slots on the system's graphical interface. This is done by left-clicking on the interface to draw the boundaries of each slot. Each slot is then assigned a unique ID for tracking purposes.
    • Customization: If adjustments are needed, such as removing or resizing a slot, the user can right-click to delete the slot and redraw it as necessary. This flexibility ensures that the system can adapt to different parking layouts and configurations.
  2. Slot Monitoring:

    • Video Feed Processing: The system continuously captures and processes the video feed from the parking area. Each frame of the video is analyzed to monitor the defined slots.
    • Frame Analysis: The system isolates the area within each defined slot and applies image processing techniques to detect the presence of a vehicle. This involves background subtraction, edge detection, and other algorithms to differentiate between an occupied and a vacant slot.
  3. Vehicle Detection:

    • Algorithm Application: The system uses a combination of computer vision algorithms to detect vehicles. For example, edge detection might be used to identify the outline of a car, while background subtraction could be employed to differentiate between stationary objects and vehicles.
    • Status Update: Once a vehicle is detected within a slot, the system updates the status of the slot to "occupied" and changes its color to red on the interface. If no vehicle is detected, the slot remains marked as "vacant" and is colored green.
  4. Information Display:

    • Real-Time Updates: The system continuously updates the display to show the current status of all parking slots. It also provides additional information such as the total number of parking spaces, the number of available slots, and the nearest vacant slot to the entry point.
    • User Guidance: This information helps both drivers and parking managers make quick, informed decisions about where to park and how to manage the parking facility.

Modules Used in Real-time Parking Slot Monitoring with AI & Deep Learning

  • OpenCV:

    • The core library used for real-time video processing and image analysis. OpenCV handles tasks such as capturing video frames, processing images to detect vehicles, and updating the status of each parking slot.
    • It provides tools for background subtraction, edge detection, and other image processing functions that are critical for accurate vehicle detection.
  • Numpy:

    • Used for handling arrays and performing numerical operations on the image data. Numpy is essential for manipulating the pixel data extracted from the video feed, enabling efficient image processing.
  • Pandas:

    • This library is used for data manipulation and analysis, particularly if the system is extended to log parking slot usage statistics over time. It helps in managing and analyzing the data generated by the system, such as the number of cars parked, slot occupancy rates, and more.
  • Tkinter (or similar GUI library):

    • A Python library used to create the graphical user interface (GUI) that allows users to interactively draw and manage parking slots. Tkinter provides the tools needed to build an intuitive, user-friendly interface that makes the system easy to use.

Components Used in Real-time Parking Slot Monitoring with AI & Deep Learning

  • Camera:

    • A high-resolution camera captures the live video feed from the parking area. The camera is strategically placed to cover the entire parking area, ensuring that all slots are within the frame. The quality and placement of the camera are crucial for accurate vehicle detection.
  • Computer/Server:

    • The processing unit that runs the Python-based application. It handles the real-time video processing, slot management, and user interface. The computer must have sufficient processing power to handle the image processing tasks required for real-time operation.
  • Python Software Environment:

    • The system relies on Python and its libraries (OpenCV, Numpy, Pandas, Tkinter) for coding, image processing, and GUI development. Python provides the flexibility and tools needed to implement the various features of the system.

Other Possible Projects Using this Project Kit

The methods and technologies used in this project can be adapted for various other applications, such as:

  1. Automated Toll Booth Monitoring:

    • The system can be adapted to monitor vehicles passing through toll booths, capturing license plates, and ensuring accurate fee collection based on vehicle occupancy and type.
  2. Traffic Flow Monitoring:

    • Modify the system to monitor traffic flow in real-time, detecting traffic congestion and providing data that can be used to optimize traffic light timings and improve overall traffic management.
  3. Smart Parking Guidance System:

    • Expand the project by developing a mobile app or web dashboard that guides drivers to the nearest available parking slot based on real-time data from the monitoring system.
  4. Warehouse Slot Monitoring:

    • Apply the same principles to monitor storage slots in a warehouse. The system could track which slots are occupied, manage inventory, and optimize space utilization within the warehouse.
Tue, 27 Aug 2024 04:13:19 -0600 Techpacs Canada Ltd.
AI-Powered Real-Time Surveillance: Detecting Violence, Theft, and Sending Alerts

✔ Price: 23,125

AI-Powered Real-Time Surveillance: Detecting Violence, Theft, and Sending Alerts

The "AI-Powered Real-Time Surveillance" project is a Python-based system that uses deep learning and computer vision to automatically detect violence, the presence of weapons, and suspicious activities such as face covering in real-time. Upon detection, the system records the footage and sends an alert via email with the recorded video. This solution enhances security by providing automated, real-time monitoring for various settings.


The primary goal of this project is to create an intelligent surveillance system that enhances security by automatically detecting suspicious or dangerous activities in real-time. The objectives include:

  1. Violence Detection: To develop a model that can identify violent actions, such as fighting, in video footage and respond immediately.

  2. Weapon Detection: To detect the presence of weapons, particularly guns, in the video feed and highlight them for attention.

  3. Theft Detection: To recognize when a person is attempting to conceal their identity by covering their face, potentially indicating intent to commit theft.

  4. Automated Alert System: To integrate an alert mechanism that records the footage of detected activities and sends a notification via email, including the recorded video, to the relevant authorities or security personnel.

  5. Real-Time Processing: To ensure the system operates efficiently and can analyze video feeds in real-time, providing instant detection and response to potential threats.

Key Features

  • Real-Time Detection: The system is designed to analyze live video feeds and detect specific actions or objects (violence, weapons, face covering) instantaneously.

  • Multi-Category Classification: The system classifies detected activities into three main categories: Violence, Weapon Detection, and Theft (Face Covering).

  • Custom Deep Learning Models: The project uses custom deep learning models built with TensorFlow to accurately identify violent behavior and face covering.

  • Weapon Detection Using OpenCV: OpenCV is used to detect weapons, focusing on identifying firearms in the video footage.

  • Automated Incident Recording: When an anomaly is detected, the system records the footage of the event for further review.

  • Email Alert System: The system sends an automated email alert with the recorded video footage to pre-configured recipients whenever suspicious activity is detected.

  • Scalable Design: The system can be scaled to monitor multiple cameras or adapted to detect additional behaviors or objects.

Application Areas

This AI-powered surveillance system can be deployed in various environments where security is critical. Some of the key application areas include:

  • Public Spaces: Ideal for monitoring public areas like parks, plazas, shopping malls, and transportation hubs to detect and respond to violent incidents or potential threats quickly.

  • Business Premises: Useful in retail stores, banks, and offices to enhance security by detecting theft (face covering) and potential armed robbery scenarios.

  • Residential Security: Can be used in homes and residential complexes to monitor for suspicious activities, such as individuals covering their faces or trespassing with weapons.

  • Educational Institutions: Provides an extra layer of security in schools and universities by monitoring for violence and unauthorized access by armed individuals.

Detailed Working of AI-Powered Real-Time Surveillance

The system operates by continuously analyzing the video feed from a surveillance camera to detect predefined actions or objects. Here’s how it works in detail:

  1. Video Feed Capture: The system starts by capturing live video from the surveillance camera. This video stream is continuously fed into the AI model for analysis.

  2. Preprocessing: The captured video frames are preprocessed to ensure they are in the correct format for analysis. This includes resizing, normalization, and other image processing techniques.

  3. Action Detection:

    • Violence Detection: The deep learning model analyzes the movements and actions within the video frame to detect violent behavior. The model is trained on various datasets that include different types of aggressive actions like fighting, pushing, etc.

    • Weapon Detection: Using OpenCV, the system scans each frame for objects that resemble weapons, particularly guns. This involves object detection techniques that can differentiate between normal objects and weapons.

    • Face Covering Detection: The system uses a classification model to detect if a person’s face is obscured by a mask, scarf, or any other covering, which could indicate an attempt to conceal identity.

  4. Incident Recording: Upon detecting any of these activities, the system automatically records a short video clip of the event. This clip is stored locally or in a cloud storage system for review.

  5. Alert Generation: The system generates an email alert that includes the recorded video footage. This email is sent to a preconfigured list of recipients, such as security personnel, law enforcement, or designated authorities.

  6. Post-Detection: The system returns to continuous monitoring after sending the alert, ready to detect any further incidents.

Modules Used in AI-Powered Real-Time Surveillance

  • TensorFlow: This library is used to build and train custom deep learning models for detecting violence and face covering. TensorFlow’s flexibility allows for the development of highly accurate models tailored to the specific tasks of this project.

  • OpenCV: OpenCV is essential for real-time video processing and weapon detection. It provides tools for image processing, object detection, and other computer vision tasks.

  • Numpy: Used for handling arrays and performing numerical operations during both the preprocessing and model inference stages.

  • Pandas: Used for data manipulation and analysis, particularly during the training of the AI models where large datasets are processed.

  • smtplib and email.mime: These libraries are used to implement the email alert system. They handle the construction and sending of email notifications with video attachments.

Components Used in AI-Powered Real-Time Surveillance

  • Camera: A high-definition camera is used to capture the live video feed. The camera is positioned to monitor the area of interest and is connected to the system for continuous feed input.

  • Computer/Server: The core processing unit that runs the Python code and models. It handles the real-time video processing, detection, recording, and alert generation tasks.

  • Python Software Environment: The system relies on Python for coding, TensorFlow for model building, OpenCV for video processing, and other necessary libraries to ensure the project functions smoothly.

Other Possible Projects Using this Project Kit

The technology and methodologies used in this project can be adapted to create other innovative security and monitoring systems:

  1. Intruder Detection System: The system can be modified to detect unauthorized entry by identifying unusual movements or unauthorized access to restricted areas.

  2. Fire Detection System: Integrate smoke or flame detection capabilities to create an early warning system for fire hazards.

  3. Traffic Violation Detection: The system can be adapted to monitor traffic and detect violations such as running red lights, illegal turns, or speeding.

  4. Smart Home Security System: Expand the project into a comprehensive home security solution that integrates with IoT devices to provide automated surveillance and alerting.

Mon, 26 Aug 2024 03:39:13 -0600 Techpacs Canada Ltd.
AI-Powered 3D Printed Humanoid Chatbot Using ESP-32

✔ Price: 48,125

Watch the complete assembly process in the videos provided below 

Video 1 :  Assembling the Eye Mechanism for a 3D Printed Humanoid

In this video, we walk through the assembly of the eye mechanism for the humanoid chatbot. You'll see how the servo motors are mounted and connected to the 3D-printed eye sockets, allowing for smooth eye movement and blinking. Detailed steps for securing the components to the face structure are also covered, ensuring a precise fit for lifelike interaction.

Video 2 : Assembling the Neck Mechanism for Realistic Head Movements

This video shows the assembly process for the neck of the 3D printed humanoid. It covers attaching the servo motor to the neck joint and securing it to the base frame. You'll also learn how to align the neck for smooth and natural rotations, which play a key role in making the humanoid respond dynamically to user interactions.

Video 3 : Assembling the Jaw and Face for Speech Simulation

Here, we focus on assembling the jaw and face structure. The video details how to attach the servo motors that control jaw movements and how they fit within the 3D-printed face. You’ll also learn how to securely attach the jaw to the overall face assembly, ensuring proper alignment for future movement control, preparing the humanoid to simulate realistic speech through precise motor control.


The primary objective of this project is to create an AI-powered humanoid chatbot that can simulate human-like interactions through a 3D-printed face. This involves developing a system that not only processes and responds to user queries but also visually represents these responses through facial movements. By integrating advanced AI algorithms with precise motor control, the project aims to enhance human-robot interaction, making it more engaging and lifelike. Additionally, this project seeks to explore the practical applications of combining AI with 3D printing and microcontroller technology, demonstrating their potential in educational, assistive, and entertainment contexts.

Key Features

  1. AI Integration: Utilizes advanced AI to understand and respond to user queries.
  2. 3D Printed Face: A realistic face that can express emotions through movements.
  3. Servo Motor Control: Precisely controls eye blinking, mouth movements, and neck rotations.
  4. ESP32 Microcontroller: Manages motor control and Wi-Fi communication.
  5. Embedded C and Python: Dual programming approach for efficient motor control and AI functionalities.
  6. Wi-Fi Connectivity: Sends and receives data from an AI server to process queries.
  7. Stable Power Supply: A 5V 10A SMPS ensures all components receive consistent power.

Application Areas

This AI-powered 3D printed humanoid chatbot has diverse applications:

  1. Education: Acts as an interactive tutor, helping students with queries in a lifelike manner.
  2. Healthcare: Provides companionship and basic assistance to patients, particularly in elder care.
  3. Customer Service: Serves as a front-line customer service representative in retail and hospitality.
  4. Entertainment: Functions as a novel and engaging entertainer in theme parks or events.
  5. Research and Development: Used in R&D to explore advanced human-robot interaction and AI capabilities.
  6. Marketing: Attracts and interacts with potential customers at trade shows and exhibitions.

Detailed Working

The AI-powered 3D printed humanoid chatbot operates through a combination of hardware and software components. The 3D-printed face is equipped with servo motors that control the eyes, mouth, and neck. The ESP32 microcontroller, programmed with Embedded C, handles the motor movements. When a user asks a question, the ESP32 sends this query via Wi-Fi to an AI server, where it is processed using Python. The server's response is then transmitted back to the ESP32, which controls the servo motors to mimic speaking by moving the mouth in sync with the audio output. The eyes blink, and the neck rotates to enhance the lifelike interaction. A 5V 10A SMPS provides a stable power supply to ensure seamless operation of all components.

Modules Used

  1. ESP32: Central microcontroller that handles communication and motor control.
  2. Servo Motors: Control the movements of the eyes, mouth, and neck.
  3. 5V 10A SMPS: Provides stable power to the ESP32 and servo motors.
  4. 3D Printed Face: Acts as the physical interface for human-like interactions.
  5. AI Server: Processes user queries and generates responses.


The AI-powered 3D printed humanoid chatbot is a sophisticated project that merges AI technology with robotics to create a lifelike interactive experience. Using an ESP32 microcontroller and servo motors, the 3D-printed face can perform a range of expressions and movements. Python-based AI processes user queries, while Embedded C ensures precise motor control. This project has wide-ranging applications in education, healthcare, customer service, entertainment, and beyond. The stable power supply ensures reliable performance, making this an ideal platform for exploring advanced human-robot interactions. We offer customizable solutions to meet specific needs, ensuring the best performance at the best cost.

Technology Domains

  1. Artificial Intelligence
  2. Robotics
  3. Microcontroller Programming
  4. 3D Printing
  5. Embedded Systems

Technology Sub Domains

  1. Natural Language Processing
  2. Servo Motor Control
  3. Embedded C Programming
  4. Python Scripting
  5. Wi-Fi Communication
Wed, 17 Jul 2024 01:15:05 -0600 Techpacs Canada Ltd.